age. Now they get to me. He rose to his feet and stepped forward. “She did what she had to because your people wouldn’t.”

“Silence!” Ephraim’s voice echoed off the distant ceiling.

Gage half expected chunks of plaster to fall or lightning to strike at his feet. But the fae ignored him, turning back to Embry.

“How plead you Agent Hollister?”

She held her head high. “Unapologetically guilty.”

“I see. And the deception didn’t begin with you. This human, from what I am told, has had intimate knowledge of our world and our kind since childhood. He not only knows of our world, but was fostered in it and illegally trained in the ways of the Shadow Walkers.” Eyes blazing with fury, Ephraim turned his attention to Adan. “How answer you Adan, son of Silas?”

Like his daughter, Adan squared his shoulders. “He is my son in all but blood, your grace.”

“You know the penalty for your actions?”

“Death, my lord,” answered Adan readily.

“Yet you deliberately broke tradition, defied the law. Why?” demanded the fae.

Before Adan could respond, Matthias spoke. “The human is a sleeper, my lord.”

A what? thought Gage as another low murmur swept through the crowd.

“I beg your pardon?” Ephraim’s tone was icy.

“A sleeper, my lord. A human with distant Mirus ancestry and abilities that were not expressed until his generation.”

“I know what a sleeper is, Matthias.”

Gage thought the explanation was likely more for his benefit.

“You are suggesting that this man is not entirely human?” continued a Wylk representative nearby. She sniffed the air. “He smells human.”

“So do witches before they come into their magic,” argued Matthais. “The fact of the matter is that Gage Dempsey can control the shadows. No pure human can do that. I am suggesting that Adan saw his potential and opted to take him in and train him, lest he come into his abilities and be unprepared to handle them. He had the best interests of the races at heart, my lords.”

Everybody was staring at Matthias, including Embry, who wasn’t as good as her father at masking shock.

“Do you have any corroborating evidence of this outlandish claim?” asked Ephraim in a tone that suggested he was going to be really pissed if there was any.

Matthias reached into his coat pocket. “Indeed, my lord. I have lineage charts indicating that a maternal relative about eight generations back was of the Llewellyn line.”

Gage sifted through his memories of Mirus history. Llewellyn. A branch of some of the more powerful European witches back in the day. Was Matthias totally pulling this out of his ass or was there something to this?

Judging by the shade of magenta that crept up Ephraim’s face from the collar of his robes, apparently the paperwork looked legit. “I see.”

“Given that Mr. Dempsey is not, in fact, your run of the mill human and does have a place in our world, however unconventional, I propose that the charges against each of the Hollisters be dropped. Which leaves only Agent Hollister’s insubordination. I am recommending, given the new intelligence that her crimes have brought to light, that the penalty for her actions be lowered to a month-long suspension. Additionally, I am recommending the immediate inclusion of Gage Dempsey as an operative on my squad of Shadow Walkers for future actions as pertain to the developing situation regarding the status of the veil. Pending medical treatment of his injuries, of course.”

Gage had to admire the fae’s control. Despite his obvious fury, he managed to contain whatever powers he commanded. It took him almost a full minute before he could speak.

“Your years of service have earned you some latitude in this forum, Matthias, but take care.” Ephraim took a deep, controlled breath. “We shall put it to a Council vote. Regarding the human involvement charges, all who believe the charges should be dropped, say aye.” The majority present spoke, hands raised.

Would you look at that? Gage took in the assembly. Even the paranormals use Robert’s rules of order.

Each charged was raised. Each was voted on. Matthias got his way.

“With respect, your graces, I wish to get my people to medical care. They’ve had a rough night,” he said.

After a few more formalities, they were escorted out of the Council chamber. No one spoke as they limped through the labyrinthine halls, but Gage reached out to stroke a hand down Embry’s back. She was shaking.