There were humans mixed in with the Mirus present. Quite a few, actually. Which meant that Le Loup Garou was not one of the establishments that cloaked its presence from humans. That made the situation an iota better for Liza. It meant she wouldn’t stand out as much. When Mom had called earlier in the day to say that baby sis was working in a Mirus bar, Sophie had imagined the worst and come racing to New Orleans to bail her out of trouble. Again. But clearly this wasn’t the kind of place where young, impressionable human women were on display like gyrating sides of beef. It was just a bar. And chances were Liza was just a waitress.

Not that that was going to keep Sophie from ripping her sister a new one at the earliest opportunity.

“We’re pretty packed, but you could probably squeeze in up at the bar.”

Sophie turned her attention to the waitress, who’d paused, heavy tray balanced expertly on her shoulder. “Thank you,” she said, raising her voice to be heard over the music.

Before Sophie could ask about Liza, the woman nodded and sashayed onto the other side of the bar to deliver food. The spicy scent of jambalaya and gumbo lingered in her wake, reminding Sophie that she hadn’t eaten since breakfast in Atlanta, and that was hours ago. Maybe she could at least get a bite of something while she figured out how she was going to drag her sister out of here without making a scene.

When she reached the bar, a skinny guy in a bright Hawaiian shirt flashed her a smile and immediately stood up, drink in hand. He gestured at the stool. “You look like you could use this more than me, sugar.”

Sophie worked up a smile that she hoped didn’t resemble a snarl. “Thanks.”

She braced herself to fend off any flirtation, but the guy only saluted her with his beer and hollered down the bar. “Hey Mick! This one needs a nip to warm her up.”

Glancing down the bar, she saw a flash of tanned, muscled forearm passing a drink to someone before a shoulder leaned in and blocked her view. She slid onto the stool, grimacing as the wet denim of her jeans clung to her thighs. A change of clothes would be awesome but wasn’t in the cards. The rain was coming down so hard now, anything she could pull out of her car would get just as soaked. Besides, she wasn?

?t planning on staying.

The same brown arm thrust into her line of vision, a dishtowel clutched in his hand. Sophie blinked and followed the arm, past the faded blue chambray shirt, up to the very broad shoulders, and finally settled on his face. He wasn’t handsome. Not by any kind of movie-star standards. He was all sharp angles and flat planes that should have come together to look like some kind of backwoods hit man. But his eyes—golden as the whiskey on the shelf behind him—and the slight curve of a surprisingly sensual mouth softened everything enough to make him appear just this side of civilized.

“It’s not much, but it might help a li’l bit.” His voice flowed over her like spiced honey, warm and sexy. He shook the towel in a take it gesture.

Sophie realized she was staring and closed her mouth, reaching for the towel. “Thanks.” Embarrassed, she dropped her eyes, using the towel to squeeze water from her hair. She had often heard people speak of the animal magnetism of the Wylk, but this was the first time she’d experienced it herself.

She sensed, rather than saw, the wolf-shifter move on down the bar, continuing to tend other customers. Oh brilliant. This is really the perfect time for your libido to wake up and decide to tango. You’re here for Liza.

She plucked a menu out from between the napkin holder and a ketchup bottle and spun around on the stool to survey the bar’s patrons, still trying to find her sister. Instinctively she started categorizing people, pausing on each of the Mirus to identify their race. Felis. Witch. A couple of vampires. Was that a selkie? Damn, he was way far south. They tended to prefer colder climates.

The band had moved on to something more upbeat. Sophie observed, assessed, and paused when she saw a small plastic packet of bright yellow powder and a wad of cash changing hands.

Oh come on. Seriously? You’re going to sell drugs right under the nose of the IED?

Not that they were aware she was part of the Investigation and Enforcement Division since she was in plainclothes and wasn’t flashing her badge. And she wouldn’t unless it became absolutely necessary. Getting recognized as an agent while she extricated Liza from her latest harebrained adventure was the last thing she needed. It’d be just her luck that somebody would report back to headquarters and get her ass canned for her sister’s actions, what with the Council’s whole thou shalt not let humans know we exist edict.

“What else can I get you?”

The bartender was back, and Sophie realized she hadn’t even looked at the menu. She turned back around and studiously pretended she hadn’t been ogling him a minute ago. “I’m looking for someone.”

“Ain’t we all, chère?” His mouth curved into a smile with enough kilowatts to fry an alligator.

Put that away, Cajun, Sophie thought as her blood heated with something other than temper. “One of your staff members, actually. Liza Cunningham?”

The smile didn’t fade, but his eyes chilled. “What you be wantin’ with Liza?” Suspicion snaked around the easy tone, but Sophie couldn’t tell whether it was in the name of saving his own ass or something else.

What are you hiding?

While she debated for a long moment about whether to reveal their family connection, another of the waitresses leaned over. “I tried Liza again from my cell, Mick. Still no answer. Looks like we’ll be doing without her tonight. I need a long neck Michelob … ”

Sophie tuned out the order. Her brain was too busy focusing on what the girl had just said. Liza wasn’t here. She wasn’t answering her cell or her house phone. Sophie had tried both, of course, several times since she’d left Atlanta, but she’d assumed Liza was screening her calls and knew perfectly well that her ass was gonna wind up in a sling. But if she wasn’t answering for work and hadn’t called in … Well, that wasn’t like her. She might have a wild hair, as their mother was liable to say, but she always met her responsibilities.

When Mick finished handing over the latest order of drinks to the waitress, Sophie pulled out her badge. “Is there somewhere we can talk in private?”


Club Blood

By Lauralynn Elliott