Neal still hadn’t been caught, but things were looking up.

Conversation flowed free and easy over chips and queso, shifting from art to the latest episode of Iron Chef, to the current romantic comedy in the theaters.

“We should go this weekend,” Brenna declared. “Adam practically broke out in hives the last time I suggested a romcom. I swear, the man doesn’t understand that sappy movies totally prime me for other activities he’d totally be into.”

Sylvie snickered. “His loss.”

“Damn straight,” Brenna agreed. “So when are you getting back out there?”

“Back out where?”

“Duh. The dating pool.”

“Oh, I don’t know…a quarter after never?” suggested Sylvie.

“Come on, Syl. You can’t stay off the market forever just because one guy turned out to be a stinker.”

“He was more than a stinker.”

“Okay, yeah, he was a total reprobate,” Brenna admitted.



“That works.”

“But not all guys are like that.”

“You’ll forgive me if I don’t trust my judgment at the moment.”

“If you won’t trust your judgment, trust a system.”

“A system?”

“Sure. You should try online dating.”

“How about hell no?” suggested Sylvie.

“Wait, wait. Hear me out. Perfect Chemistry does background checks on all the people who sign up. And you have to provide a social security number to prove you are who you say you are and that you don’t have a criminal record, so nobody can go in and just make up an alias. Their whole system is set up on some kind of psychological matc

hmaking research, so you’re bound to do better than by chance.”

“Is that how you met Adam of the won’t watch your favorite kind of movie persuasion?” Sylvia asked.

“I said better than by chance, not perfect,” Brenna qualified. “But seriously, despite some flaws, Adam’s pretty awesome. And I had good dates with a handful of others before I started going out with him.”

Knowing her friend wasn’t about to let this go, Sylvie sighed and conceded. “Fine. I’ll consider it.”

Brenna’s dimples flashed.

“What?” asked Sylvie. “I recognize that impish look. What did you do?”

All innocence, Brenna studied her pink, glitter polish-coated nails. “I might have set up a profile for you already. And you might already have some matches in your inbox wanting to talk.”


“What? You weren’t going to act on your own. I’m just giving you a little nudge out of the nest.”