Brandon held it up. “I don’t know. It looks pretty small. Isabelle’s tiny, but not that tiny.”

“We can resize anything that isn’t the correct size.”

“May I?” Everett held out a hand. The round cut sapphire was flanked by smaller accent diamonds in an ornate, antique setting.

“The story that came with it was rather sweet. Her grandmother was a Broadway star back in her day. Had a whirlwind romance with the grandfather and with this ring, he stole America’s sweetheart.”

A story like that made this a real part of a family history. An heirloom. Everett had been taught to respect and value such things. He suspected from the seller’s level of upset that she had, as well. Which made the situation that much more tragic. The ring itself was a lovely piece, but it could’ve been hideous and he still would’ve asked, “How much?”

“Wait a minute,” protested Brandon. “I haven’t even looked at these others. And I think she’d prefer a traditional diamond.”

“Not for you,” said Everett. “How much?”

The jeweler named a figure.

Everett didn’t blink. “Ring it up.”

“Man, what the hell are you doing?” asked Brandon.

“My good deed for the year. If you could ring it up fast, that would be great.”

“Everett, buddy, are you about to do what I think you’re about to do?” asked Travis. He kept his voice light and even, the kind of tone you used with a person threatening to jump off a ledge.

“I have no idea what you think I’m about to do.” Everett handed over his credit card.

“I think you’re about to buy an engagement ring for a perfect stranger.”

“Then yes, I’m doing exactly what you think I’m doing.”

“This is insane,” said Brandon.

“Life’s too short not to be a little crazy once in a while. Besides, it’s not like I’m proposing. I just want to give it back to her.” Everett signed the credit card receipt and accepted the ring in a box. Saluting his friends, he said, “I’ll be right back!”

He bolted out of Vandevelde’s and headed the direction the woman had turned, eyes searching for the red parka and blonde hair. The slushy sidewalks kept him from sprinting, so he took the opportunity to glance through storefront windows. Given the apparently dire state of her finances, Everett didn’t figure she’d have been stopping in any of them to shop, but he didn’t want to risk missing her. It should’ve been easy, even with the crowd, but he didn’t see her.

She had a five minute head start. How far could she have gotten?

Everett went all the way to the parking area, but there was no sign of the woman who’d sold the ring.

I’ll just get her name from the jeweler. He’ll have a record from the sale, he thought.

Back at Vandevelde’s, Brandon and Travis had narrowed it down to three choices.

“Find her?” asked Travis.

“No,” Everett admitted. He looked to the man behind the counter. “Can I get her name and number to arrange a meeting to give the ring back to her?”

“I’m afraid I have a policy of strict confidentiality of my client’s information.”

Everett tried a smile. “But surely you could make an exception this one time. In the name of a good cause.”

“Young man, you may be as well intentioned as you seem. Or you could just as easily be a potential thief or worse. That young lady has had enough trouble in her life. I won’t be the cause of more.”

Everett tamped down on his disappointment. “No, it’s all right. I understand.”

“So what are you going to do?” asked Brandon.

“Keep looking. It’s doubtful she’d have had any knowledge of the store’s reputation if she wasn’t a local. Town’s just not that big. I’ll run into her eventually.” Everett moved over to the counter. “Now, let’s see those contenders.”