“Do you really care what my brother thinks?”

“Do you?” Aaron countered.

“Technically, whatever we do is none of his damned business,” she pointed out. “But I wouldn’t want to be the cause of any rift between you. You’ve been friends a long time.”

“I don’t think Rick would be small enough to try and pull the protective big brother routine now, not if we were really serious about this,” said Aaron. He continued to play with her fingers as he fixed his gaze on hers. “So I guess the question is, how serious are we?”

“How can we even answer that?” asked Gemma. “All we know at this point is that we have chemistry. Really great chemistry,” she qualified.

“That’s not all we know,” he argued. “We know we enjoy each other’s company. That you’re not a half bad dancer when you can give up control and let somebody else lead.”

She laughed.

“We know we like the same kind of donuts and that you taste delicious with powdered sugar.” He nipped in to kiss the corner of her mouth, as if he’d missed a spot the last time. “We know that, once we get going, we can talk all night without running out of things to say. We also know that neither of us would be content with one night of no-strings-attached sex.”

Gemma blinked, her brows arching in surprise. “And you say I’m direct.”

“Calling it like I see it,” he said easily. “Whatever this is between us, it’s more than just an itch to be scratched and forgotten. Do you disagree?”

“No,” she shook her head. “No, I don’t. No matter how earth-shattering I suspect that night would be.”

Aaron grinned. “Careful. You’ll give me ideas.”

“Somehow, I don’t think you need any help in that department,” she said.

“I kissed you at midnight,” he pointed out.

“You did,” she acknowledged. “And I keep worrying that any minute now, I’m going to wake up and find out that this is all some kind of crazy, whacked out dream.”

“Then stay asleep with me,” said Aaron. “Today, tomorrow. The rest of the year.” The rest of my life. “However long we might last, I’d rather be dreaming with you than be awake with anyone else.”

Gemma pressed her free hand to her heart and sighed. “Who knew you were such a romantic?”

“You did. I believe you lobbed that charge at me while we looked at stars over the lake that summer.”

“You vehemently denied the accusation, as I recall.”

“Of course, I did. My man cred with Rick was at stake. And I didn’t want him thinking I had ideas about you.”

“You have ideas now,” she said.

“I certainly do. So how ’bout it?”

“It just so happens I like the way you think.” Gemma leaned forward and brushed her lips lightly over his. “Take me home, Hendricks. If you play your cards right, I just might cook you some breakfast.”


A Note From The Author

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