The mix of guilt and desire on his friend’s face was just pitiful. “I should really—”

“You should really take advantage and have some fun. You’ve been working your ass off to make partner since you joined the firm. C’mon.”

“That would be how one actually makes partner,” Travis pointed out.

“Dude, don’t be such a suit.”

“You haven’t seen a suit since your mom’s second wedding.”

“And hallelujah for it,” said Brandon with feeling. “But the point remains, people are more productive when they take actual time off to have fun.”

“Easy for you to say. You’re your own boss.” But Brandon could tell he was wavering.

“All the more reason for you to take advantage of this unexpected gift of a day. Who knows when you’ll get another day off?”

Travis rubbed the towel over his head. “You’re not giving my phone back until I agree to this, are you?”

“Nope,” said Brandon equably, grabbing a water and chugging.

“How ’bout we make a wager. I win this match, you give me my phone and I go into the office and get ahead so that I can maybe actually have a Saturday off for the first time in God knows when. You win, we go skiing today.”

“I am duty-bound to kick your ass to save you from yourself.”

Terms agreed upon, they took their positions and resumed battle. With a two point lead, Travis was cocky. Racquetball was his sport, and he was already semi-distracted by whatever brief his mind had already started working on the moment he took that call. So he didn’t expect the brutal comeback that led to Brandon trouncing him 11-8.

Bracing his hands on his thighs, Travis worked on catching his breath. “What the hell, man.”

“For your…own…good,” managed Brandon. He tossed a bottle of water toward Travis, who barely caught it before it crashed into his head. “Hydrate. We’ve got a mountain to ski.”


“There he is!” Leah bounced in the driver’s seat.

“Which one?”

“Black coat, gorgeous, wavy blond hair.”

Isabelle scanned the people milling on the sidewalk and picked out at least three guys that fit that description. But only one of them was checking out the parking lot and rocking nervously on his heels. He got points for not looking like he thought he was God’s gift, though certainly those shoulders ranked high in the eye candy department.

Leah whipped the car into a space and took a deep breath. “How do I look?”

Isabelle surveyed her from head to foot. Leah was one of those people who actually managed to look svelte rather than fat in ski clothes. “Like you’re going to melt the snowcap and knock his ski boots off.”

Leah grinned. “Come on.”

Isabelle knew her well enough to see the nerves build as they crossed the parking lot. Not that they’d show to the Slavic-eyed hottie watching her approach.

His face brightened as she stepped up, as if he couldn’t quite believe his good fortune. Leah?”


Grant the doctor took her hand and leaned in to buss her cheek. “It’s good to finally meet you in person.”

They beamed at each other.

Definitely not an axe murderer vibe, thought Isabelle with a mix of amusement and something she refused to categorize as envy. No sense in envy when there was no time to do anything about it.

When the moment stretched on without either of them looking away, Isabelle took a step closer and cleared her throat.