The voice filtered through, a dim, distant irritation. At first she thought she imagined it, but the call came again, distracting her from the lure of Brandon’s mouth. She lifted her head and caught sight of Leah.

Of course, she shows up now.

Swearing silently, Isabelle scrambled up. Away from Brandon’s warmth, she shivered almost immediately. Or maybe that was the intense, focused expression on his face as he took her hand and let her tug him to his feet. As soon as he was vertical, she started to pull away, but he tightened his grip on her hand.

A snowball hit him in the back and he shot a smile at the kids. “Cease fire, guys!”

Leah and Grant carved their way to a quick stop beside them in a tandem move that looked choreographed. “I just got your texts! I’m so sorry!”

I’m not, thought Isabelle.

“No, it’s fine, I…” Isabelle looked up at Brandon, feeling a faint frisson of panic when he refused to release her hand. “Um, this is Brandon. Brandon, Leah. And her date Grant.”

Brandon nodded hello as Leah’s gaze swept him from head to toe, lingering on their joined hands. Her mouth

quirked in amused speculation.

“And how did this,” Leah waved a hand to encompass their joined hands, “happen?”

“There was an incident with a snowball,” she explained.

Leah waited for further elaboration, but Isabelle offered none. She knew perfectly well she’d be grilled later and preferred that to happen in private.

“Well,” she said, “looks like you ended up taking something of a snow day after all.”

“It seemed a better alternative to freezing my butt off while waiting for you,” said Isabelle.

“She’ll do a lot if she’s bribed with hot beverages,” said Brandon.

Leah lifted a perfectly manicured brow.

“Snow tubing,” Isabelle hurried to say, blood rushing into her cheeks.

Her friend beamed at Brandon in approval. “Excellent. Maybe I should strand you at a ski resort more often.”

And just like that, all the deadlines and manuscripts and piles of work she’d blown off came crashing back into her mind. “Just so that you don’t continue to do so today…the keys?” asked Isabelle.

“Right.” Leah tugged off a glove, dug them out of her coat, and handed them over.

Isabelle looked from Leah to Grant and back again. “So you two are good?”

They exchanged delighted smiles. “We’re great,” said Leah. “Grant will drop me home later.”

Given the waves of chemistry pulsing off them, Isabelle suspected it would be much, much later. Good for you, girl.

“Okay, well, have fun. Thanks for bringing back the keys.”

“Sorry about the mix-up.” Leah shot a look at Brandon. “Or maybe not. See you later.” With a wave, she and Grant shoved off and headed back toward the lift.

Isabelle stared after them a lot longer than necessary to avoid looking at Brandon. The snowball fight had fallen apart, the kids wandering off to other pursuits. Whatever ease they’d found with each other over the last few hours had vanished. She half wished he’d tackle her into the snow bank or lob another snowball to startle her out of workaholic mode again, but he made no move to do either as she turned to him.

“I should go,” she said. Talk me out of it.

“Current book boyfriend won’t be put off any longer, huh?”

A smile fluttered at the edge of her lips. “He’s been awfully patient today.”

Brandon nodded, conceding defeat. “I’ll walk you to your car.”