And frightened me in equal measure.

The sun rose, the sun set, over and over while I learned the ways of pleasure. It was not until I was straddling the beasts, riding at my pace while I sang out my release that I was shown mercy.

Exhaustion left me crumpled on his chest, sleep winning over even as I felt more of his seed pumping inside me.

I dreamed of Jesus in the desert and forty days of a dark winged angel trying to talk sense into his son.

Chapter Twelve


The bloodbath was not a hit with my bride. And in all fairness to my intention, was unfair in itself. After all, I offered candlelight, flowers in abundance, snacks… a cake! But she would not put a toe in the tub.

Pearl even tried to yank her hand from where our fingers were entwined… as if I’d let her run off and possibly hurt herself in an unwarranted panic.

Human in form and lighthearted in tone, I attempted to smooth ruffled feathers. “The mass murder playing in such detail through you mind did not take place. Every drop was donated. All immortal, all happy to indulge their queen in a fun… let’s call it… tradition.”

Which was not exactly dishonest. Those immortals drained for the event really were happy to be thrown a snack so I might plump my withered prisoners up again for future bath time fun. But the miniscule details were unimportant. “It’s the perfect temperature, enhanced with essential oils, full of petals to slip against your skin, and the finest salts to soothe your aches. Best to get in now before it begins to curdle. Do you want our people to be sad to hear their gift was wasted?”

But she was not budging no matter how gentle my voice or touch.

The expression of horror on her face was not melting into gratitude.

I could work on that. Lips stretching in a smile that displayed the fangs Vampirekind was known for, I reached for a golden dome, sweeping it from a beautiful offering with a silly flourish. “I have chocolate for you. Parisian delicacies,” the words sung as I tempted her with a bite of sweets.

Though her nostrils flared at the aroma of so much decadence, under her breath, she muttered, “This is sin.”

My own muttering was far less tragic and far more eye-rollingly annoyed. “Wasting it might be.”

Okay, so this was the third tub I had filled over the last few days of rigorously fucking my bride. But what had swirled down the drain was not wasted exactly. It was a practice run to make sure that this tub was perfect. Even the candlelight had been arranged just so to play off the quickly setting sun. A pretty stage, a room inviting my timid bride to embrace the heritage that had been denied her.

What point was there in hesitation? My Pearl just needed a little mental nudge. “Humans have bathed in milk for as long as I have walked this earth. Does milk not come from animals? Yes, it’s generally used for sustenance, but it also softens the skin and is enjoyed as a luxury. You ingest immortal blood—” I gave her a roguish wink, growing hard just at the thought of it. “—and we both know I’m your favorite snack. The only difference here is perspective.”

Opening her mouth as if to argue, like a true gentleman, I put a finger to her lips and saved her the trouble. “I’m right, of course. So in you go.”

Where my touch traced her kiss-swollen lips, she frowned. “I wouldn’t want to take a bath in milk either. I’d hardly had the funds to taste it before you woke me up from the nightmare.” Visibly shuddering, my darling bride grimaced, because somewhere deep in her very scarred psyche, a bubble of awfulness I refused to pop grew. It grew, and it teased at the scars Darius had dug into her mind.

Everything that had been done, taken, rewritten, molded, concealed… it was in there. It clamored. Someday, it would make her a monster in need of checking. Which was why my gentle Pearl needed taming and self-acceptance.

I’d make her a God… and she might make the whole world pay for it.

Maybe the world deserved what they created—Vampire, human, Daywalker, and all the other monsters creeping along the earth’s crust.

Pupils dilating, Pearl stared down at the warmed tub. “I can hear the screams.”

Yes, she could. But they were her screams. Buried and in need of exorcism. Hand to my heart, I set my obsessive, complete, unbreakable love plain on my face. “On my honor, no contributor to your warm bath died.”

There was really no point in bringing up the human livestock that had gone into fattening up the donating immortals… considering the unraveling mental state before me. Their blood was not technically in the tub, so it didn’t matter. The effort, the two previously drained tubs, and the volume—a cool hundred humans had most likely been eaten. But they would have been eaten anyway. Just like cows were butchered in messy slaughterhouses en masse.