And I scythed the long, aching length of my penis again between her folds. And again. As I cooed and stroked her, as my wings warmed her from her fear-inspired chill.

I mimicked the act of fucking without actually penetrating my darling one. Offering us both a taste of pleasure until she began to pant and the muscles I worked to caress all night began to relax. Her head to the mattress, her ass in the air. My breath at her ear, and my cock stroking her clit, I took my time. And in time, she took her pleasure.

But it would not be enough to send her to bliss.

If she wanted that, she’d have to ask.

And I could hump her gorgeous ass for all eternity. Suffer with her.

The sun rose, and though her hips had begun to squirm in an attempt to get the friction her body desperately needed for release, she didn’t ask.

So I showed mercy.

Slinking down her body, taking her hips in hand, I brought her swollen sex to my mouth and let her experience the art of eating pussy from another angle. One that let me delve my tongue deep, tease her anus. Flatter her clit with praise.

Screaming my name, she came.

A thing she had not even dared the night before.

Progress indeed!

Progress enough that I crossed the threshold with questionable permission, while she was dazed and assumed the perfect position to end this standoff.

Cockhead to slit, I pressed in.

Knowing I was too big in my true form, I took astounding care and sealed our fates with the truth of the matter.

“You called for me.” At the perfect shell of her ear, I growled like the animal I was.

And gained another inch.

Permission enough.

Battle won.

It took almost an hour, a great deal of caresses, incessant circles over her clit, and compliments in every language man had ever spoken before I was fully seated in my wife’s cunt.

In which time she had come apart on my cock four times, unable to resist pushing back against my intrusion and impaling herself as her channel sucked at my meat and adapted.

My sword was sheathed in perfect, tight fire.

The beauty of her pussy stretched around me. Sound and pulsating. Wet and welcoming.

The very first time I had taken my wife in ages long past, I’d had to oil my cock to facilitate a struggling penetration. Now, she was wet for me. Now, I was home.

“I love you.” I said it a thousand times or more, felt it where my soul had been returned to me.

I wept, rocking my hips to seek that perfect embrace over and over.

Exactly how I desired to spend the rest of eternity.

Yet ultimate bliss could not be held at bay forever. My darling, overwrought, screamed into her pillow, clenched down around my member in a series of rippling tugs, physically demanding seed as her orgasm blossomed.

As her eternal slave, I could do nothing but comply.

She drained me dry, my roar shaking the walls.

When it was over, when I carefully pulled out in smiling satisfaction to see the sticky cream flooding her contracting channel, I knew a child would be made before the year was out… and that she would love me for it.

Chapter Eleven


It was over…

Every part of me oversensitive to the point I would combust if he attempted to pleasure me further. Hand pressed between my legs, I turned my back to the beast and stared at the wall—the plaster now cracked from the monstrous howl that had set the building to quake.

“There is no need to hold my seed in, my soul.” Settling at my back, draping my body in that wing, it snuggled me. “I can give you more any time you wish. Rest with me for a short while, then I have a surprise! The first of many.”

I couldn’t imagine what could possibly be more surprising than what had just taken place.

“I feel as if a feast is in order to celebrate! Oh, sweet wife, you have given me such a gift that I cannot even fathom how to adore you best.”

Given him?


Was I now more the wife he believed me to be because I had let him rut me? Because I had shamelessly shut my eyes to the monster on my back and abandoned all reason.

“I won’t always be ugly to you. A pure heart like yours will learn to love me for who I am and not the shell I wear.” He kissed my neck, lightly scraping his fangs on my flesh. “I know this, because I once was beautiful, and you didn’t love me for my beauty as all other women did. It was my spirit that drew you. Even if I were to wear that form again, beauty would never earn you.”

When his bite punched through delicate tissue, a great jaw holding my throat, it wasn’t pain I felt.