Blackberry cordial. Melted ice cream. It was like sipping moonlight laced with wine.

Sluggishly, thick blood flowed, the forked tongue of her tormentor toying with hers. She found herself keening, pants of trapped air puffing from her nostrils as she succumbed to hunger and drank. Sucking his tongue, frustrated when the source of nourishment healed before she’d had her fill, she tried to bite.

Her teeth could not keep his flesh open no matter how she gnawed.

Without her fangs, she could do little more than inspire a rumbling chuckle in the demon’s chest.

His invasion of her mind withdrew, the hunger remained. Pearl found it was she who clung to him, she who lapped at his mouth, greedy for more.

That was his trick...

He stole his arms back, left her lying dazed and starving on the cot. “Are you not going to kiss me, Pearl?”

She’d swallowed enough to feel the effects of a sip of darkness. The skin of her cheeks was pulling together, itching as it mended... but her belly was still so hollow.

It wasn’t enough.

Daring to admit confusion, repulsion, and delight, Pearl grew drunk. “I’m still hungry.”

A sharp nail gently grazing back and forth over her collarbones, the creature smiled. It leaned down, mouth working over her throat, teasing gently at her pulse point. “Shall I slit my throat so you can feed?”

The instant desire for a deeper drink was at odds with clearer thought. What he offered was not what it seemed.

Breathless, eyes open and unblinking in the dark, she felt a sharp nail graze over her nipple and complete revulsion returned. The demon’s hand crept lower as if to delve between her legs.

Insidious fear bloomed right back to life, licking through her, ruining any chance Pearl might have had at further reason. She did not beg for mercy, or scream when a talon pierced through her undergarment. She was past that point when a separate flash of claw raked through leathery skin.

The monster sliced himself so deeply, a river spurt over her face.

Perhaps if she had not been so hungry, Pearl might have exercised self-control, but one tiny taste, his offering dripping over her lips, and she latched on despite the dry digit wriggling deeper into her body.

Fixed to his wound, she opened the fissure of flesh, jabbing her tongue into the meat of his neck to force the fountain wider. Greedily she gorged, never having known a meal that fulfilled and warmed as this deep drink did.

While she gorged, it pawed at her clothing, picking it apart with nail and fist until breasts popped free of her dress and cold air moved over bruised thighs. He stripped her naked, the scraps of her clothing left to bunch under their bodies, and then he did the same to his own ancient garments.

She would have drunk him dry, utterly unaware of his actions had his palm not settled like sandpaper over her breast. One scrape of his dry-skinned touch grating her nipple and she whimpered, lips parting from his neck.

It felt... odd.

The pebbled tip of her breast tingled, responded to a pinching roll of the monster’s forefinger and thumb. When his thighs purposefully maneuvered to her parted legs, when pressure was placed against her mound, Pearl found she had no focus to resist. Not with that delicious fountain oozing to fill up her mouth.

While she fed, the monster spoke. The things he said, had Pearl been beyond bloodlust, would have set her screaming. “I have waited an eternity for you, kara sevde. Your blood will be my blood, your cunt dripping nightly from my attention. Every last part of you will be saturated in me, in your lord. Forget your God, and worship at my feet.”

When her belly grew full and her mouth fell from his throat, Pearl was given no absolution.

It was a devious seduction; the red-eyed one having waited so it might look upon her face when his cock speared straight into her unsuspecting body.

The shock was less from pain and more from astonishment. Pearl’s mouth fell open, head thrown back at the intrusion. The deceitful monstrosity had taken raw advantage, leaving her cramped around the dead meat inside her.

Her female parts... the slit he’d called her cunt... felt stretched unmercifully. The burning wash of sensation didn’t ease no matter how hard she tried to crawl out from under the unwavering glowing red eyes.

There was no negotiation. He did not try to soothe. Instead the creature roughly jerked his hips, ground against her, and restrained with ease. When his thrust grew more than experimental, when her breasts bounced and friction built, it began to groan.

The hissing breaths and pleasure saturated hums were grotesque, the way her body responded sickening.

She was engorged, nerves tingling, tightening, fear and hunger feeding the buildup. If the ruthless pounding did not stop, Pearl was going to split in two.