“Yeah, yeah, yeah, I’ll tell everyone who listens what a stallion you are. Can we focus on me right now? I look like I just participated in a gang bang!” I snap, trying to smooth down my mess of long hair, which was curled to perfection and now looks like I stuck my finger into a light socket.

“A gang bang, party of me. Excellent,” Eric says with a smile as I smack the visor back up and shake my head at him. I open the door and slide out, turning to look at him.

You know that moment when you’re curled up on the couch watching a horror movie and you know something awful is about to happen, but no matter how fast your heart is racing or how loudly you’re screaming at the television, the dumbass chick in the movie always walks down the stairs into the basement where she’ll be trapped with a lunatic killer, shouting “Is anyone down here?” instead of doing the smart thing like shutting the fuck up and running in the opposite direction?

Yeah. Say hello to the dumbass chick who currently has millions of viewers screaming at her to shut the fuck up and RUN.

“You’re insane,” I tell Eric, holding the door open, unable to stop myself from laughing at his ridiculousness. “It’s a good thing I love you.”

Chapter 21: Show Them Your Wide Open Spaces

I’m staring at my reflection in the mirror of the dressing room at the back of the club with a dazed look on my face. I managed to get inside from the parking lot, holding together my ripped shirt and sticking to the shadows of the outer walls of the club as I made the run of shame back here without anyone seeing me. And in less than five minutes, I yanked my costume out of my purse, which I actually remembered to take with me when I raced away from Eric’s SUV, shimmied into it, and fixed my smeared makeup.

There’s nothing I can do about the deer-in-the headlights look staring back at me in the reflection. I don’t think I can fix that with makeup remover.

“Never fear, your fairy godmothers are here, and we have your costume!” Belle announces as she flings open the dressing room door, walking quickly into the room with my old princess costume draped from the hanger in her hand. Cindy is on her heels, closing the door behind her.

“Holy shit, you look hot. And you have sex hair,” Cindy states, pointing at my hair, which I managed to calm down somewhat into full, messy waves that hang down my back and over my bare shoulders.

My face heats in mortification when I think about what I just did. Not the sex, definitely not the sex. That was hot. And amazing. And perfect. I’m clearly freaking out about what happened after.

Cindy moves closer, studying my hair and shaking her head in awe.

“How in the hell did you get perfect sex hair? I couldn’t do that if I tried,” she says as Belle tosses the costume over the back of the chair in front of the dressing table.

“I got perfect sex hair because I had perfect sex in Eric’s SUV out in the parking lot five minutes ago. And then I told him I loved him.”

Cindy’s eyes widen and Belle turns around and starts jumping up and down, clapping her hands together.

“Oh my God! You had sex with Eric! In a car! We’ve never done it in a car. I need to add that to my to-do list,” she announces happily.

“Are you even listening to the words coming out of my mouth?!” I shout at her. “I told him I love him!”

Oh, God. I think I’m gonna be sick.

“I think it’s sweet. I’m happy for you,” Belle informs me.

“Was he sick? Like, on his deathbed and he told you he has two months left to live?” Cindy asks, worrying her hands together in front of her.

At least SHE gets me.

“No!” I tell her, which makes her start pacing back and forth.

“Did Derrick Alfredo die and you felt the need to comfort him?” she asks, still pacing.

“No! It just slipped out and it felt right when I said it, but he didn’t say anything, he just sat there looking at me in shock.”

Cindy stops pacing and pulls her cell phone out of the back pocket of her jeans, pressing a few buttons.

“What did you do? Did you laugh it off and say you were just kidding?” she asks, still staring at her phone.

“NO! I slammed the door of the car closed and fled the scene of the crime!”

“It’s fine. I’ve got it covered. Everything will be fine,” Cindy reassures me, still tapping at the screen of her phone.

“Of course everything will be fine. You’re in love!” Belle chirps happily, not even caring that I’m losing my shit. “I’m confident he loves you too, you probably just caught him off guard and ran away too fast before he could say anything. Cindy, what the hell are you doing?”