“Alana told me Sebastian called her looking for you, and that she told him where you were. I gave that girl holy hell for giving out that information, but she didn’t see anything wrong with it. She thought after all this time there was no reason for you to have any problems with that scum-sucking piece of shit,” my dad explains, his face changing from sympathy to barely concealed rage.

I don’t really want to talk about Sebastian right now. Especially not in front of Eric, and definitely not when I’m still feeling a little warm and fuzzy from my recent orgasm.

“It’s fine. It was totally fine. He showed up on the dock, acted like his usual, charming self, and then he left,” I tell him quickly, not wanting to get into how much of a fucking sissy I was when confronted with him for the first time.

“It wasn’t fine,” Eric suddenly says, his face taking on the same rage-y look that my father is still sporting. “He was an insulting asshole who should be ashamed of himself for speaking to someone like Ariel the way he did. I called him a douche dick and told him to get the fuck off my dock.”

Great. Like I needed a reminder of how Eric had to stick up for me.

I hear the muted sound of my phone beeping with an incoming text and look around for it. It goes off again and I stick my hand down in the cushions, realizing it must have somehow gotten wedged in there when I tossed it on the loveseat before I started my carb overload earlier. Pulling it out, I look down at the screen and see I have a text from Sebastian.

You have got to be fucking kidding me right now.

Chéri, we need to talk. I’m calling you. Please pick up.

“Better you than me, Eric, let me tell you,” my dad says as I continue staring at my phone, wishing I could make it explode with my eyes. “I would have kicked the shit out of that snot-nosed little fucker.”

No, you wouldn’t, because it’s not your fight. It’s MINE.

“Believe me, it was a struggle not to punch him in the face and chuck him into the water,” Eric growls.

“I like you,” my dad tells him with a firm nod. “Keep doing what you’re doing. Take care of my girl and make sure she’s okay.”

All right, that’s enough.

“Jesus Christ, no one needs to take care of me!” I shout. “I can fight my own battles, thank you very much. I don’t need a couple of macho men acting like they need to take care of the little lady!”

“Ariel, I didn’t—”

“I could have told him off if I wanted to!” I cut Eric off, glaring at him angrily. “But maybe I didn’t want to, did you ever think of that? Maybe I just needed it to be the right time!”

My phone rings in my hand, and I don’t even glance down at it.

“Well, would you look at that? Looks like it’s the right fucking time!”

With my heated eyes still on Eric’s, I smack my finger against the screen of my phone and bring it up to my ear, not bothering to say hello.

“Listen close, you motherfucking piece of shit. Stop calling me chéri. You lost the right to call me anything when you turned into a giant cock-sucking asshole. We don’t need to fucking talk. There is absolutely nothing you have to say that I want to hear. I listened to your bullshit for years and you can just take whatever you think you have to say and shove it up your fucking ass. Also, it’s not hot when you speak French. You sound like a douchebag.”

I let out a huge huff of air when I finish word vomiting, feeling extremely free and awesome right now. Shit. I should have done this a lot sooner. That felt great.

My dad and Eric are both looking at me with their mouths dropped open, and I’d like to say the huge smile on my face stays firmly in place. But when I hear the voice on the other end of the line, my smile falls and my face gets hot as I look away from Eric and my dad and stare down at my lap.

“No, no thank you. Yes, I am sure I’m completely satisfied with my current cell phone carrier,” I mumble quietly to the poor woman on the other end of the line. “You have a very lovely day and I’m really sorry. You don’t sound like a douchebag at all.”

I end the call and finally look up to find that both Eric and my dad both have their hands covering their mouths to try and hide their laughter.

“Kiss my ass, both of you. I did that on purpose. It was a practice run.”