* * *

“What the hell are you doing?”

I don’t even jump when I hear Vincent’s voice behind me as I finish shoving all of my things into my duffle bag resting on top of his bed. I figured as soon as he got back to Charming’s, Eric would tell him I was there and the things he said to me. I knew it would only be a matter of time before Vincent showed up here and tried to make excuses for himself, although I’m surprised he got here so fast. I thought he’d spend more time kicking Eric’s ass for letting the truth slip out.

“I think it’s pretty obvious I’m leaving,” I mumble, zipping the bag closed and dragging it off the bed.

He curses under his breath when I turn to face him, probably horrified by the state of my appearance. My face is a red, splotchy mess, and my eyes are bloodshot and puffy from all the crying I’ve done since I left the club.

“You’re not leaving,” he growls, wrapping his hand around my upper arm when I try to walk past him through the doorway.

I jerk my arm out of his hold and attempt to glare at him, wishing I could be angrier than I am. Right now, I’m just sad. I feel like an idiot, and I feel used and deceived and . . . sad.

“That’s the last time you try and tell me what to do,” I inform him, my voice cracking with emotion as I shoulder past him and move quickly down the hallway and into the living room.

“Belle, stop! You’re not leaving like this,” Vincent orders as I whirl around to face him.

“No, you stop! Stop giving me orders and stop pretending like you give a shit what I do!” I shout. “I get it. I was an easy mark. The sweet, innocent, gullible book nerd who never had any real-life experiences. Jesus, you must have been laughing your ass off this entire time at just how easy it was to pull one over on me.”

“Don’t say that,” he growls, running his hand through his hair in frustration. “That’s not how it was, and you know it. I should have told you the truth, and I’m sorry you had to hear it from Eric. I was going to tell you. I tried to tell you a few weeks ago but you wouldn’t let me!”

“Oh, don’t you dare put this on me!” I shout, the tears falling faster and harder now. “You’re just sorry you got caught! What was the grand plan, Vincent? We’re you going to keep stringing me along, making me fall even more in love with you than I already was by proposing? How exactly was this whole green-card situation going to work? Were you going to tell me after we got married, when there was nothing I could do about it? Oh, I know! You know how much I love grand, romantic gestures. I bet you were going to somehow save my library and make me indebted to you! I’m finished with your fucking games!”

I spin around and stalk towards the door, hearing the thump of Vincent’s boots against the floor as he races after me. As soon as I fling open the door, he smacks his hand against the wood and it slams closed.

“Goddamn it, will you just give me a chance to explain?!” he yells.

His body is pressed against my back, crowding me against the door, and I hate it. I hate that the smell of him and the feel of him standing so close to me clouds everything in my head and my heart. I hate that I want to stay and listen to what he has to say.

“This was never a game for me.”

He speaks through clenched teeth, his voice right next to my ear, and despite how hurt I am, he can still make shivers run down my spine. I squeeze my eyes closed and force everything I feel for him away, leaving nothing behind but a huge emptiness in my heart and soul.

“Yes, I initially asked you to move in with me because I let Eric talk me into this asinine plan of his, but that idea went out the fucking window within the first hour of you being here. I knew I couldn’t take advantage of you like that. I knew things would be different with you, and they were.” His voice grew soft. “You changed me, Belle. You made me want to be fucking happy again. You made me stop regretting every stupid decision I made in the past, and you made me want to be a different man. One that wouldn’t hurt you, and one you could trust to take care of you. I am still that man, and it’s all because of you. Please, don’t leave.”