And move he does. He makes love to me in a soft, sweet way that I never thought possible from him. I don’t know where the beast he said was raging inside of him went, but right now, I’m glad he’s taking a nap. Next time, he can bring that sucker out and let it wreak havoc on my body. Right now, I just want soft and slow and perfect. And that’s exactly what he gives me.

Our hips rock together in perfect sync, and before I know it, I’m tumbling over the edge again, scraping my nails down his back and shouting his name.

I thought hearing him tell me how much he’s wanted me earlier was the best thing I’d ever heard, but I was wrong. Hearing him shout my name when he comes immediately goes to the top of my list.

Chapter 29: You Won’t Have to Be a Hooker

“I’m calling off of work.”

“You’re not calling off of work. You’re being ridiculous,” I tell Vincent as he stands in the bathroom doorway and watches me put the finishing touches on my makeup.

“I could drag you back into the shower and go slower this time, making you miss this fucking party all together,” he growls.

My body heats as I glance over at the shower, thinking about what he did to me in there an hour ago.

Even though our first time was slow and gentle and perfect, it still took me a few days to recover before I attacked him as soon as he came home from work later that week. He tried keeping himself reined in, but I put my foot down and told him I love the beast inside of him as well, and to stop holding back. Not only did I put my foot down, I put my foot right in my mouth blurting out the L word, but he didn’t even comment on it. He shoved everything off the kitchen counter and almost made it so I couldn’t walk for a week that time.

When I don’t immediately reply to Vincent’s shower comment, he comes up behind me, wraps his arms around my waist and starts kissing the side of my neck.

“Stop trying to distract me,” I moan when he gently bites down on me. I let the mascara drop into the sink and rest my hands on his arms, which are around my stomach.

“I’m going with you,” he mutters against my neck, lifting his head and looking at me in the mirror.

“You’re not calling off work, and you are absolutely not going with me. Honestly, I’m surprised PJ even gave you that promotion, considering how many times you’ve skipped out of work early lately.”

Something passes over his face that looks a lot like guilt, and I immediately feel bad for saying that, considering I’m the reason he he’s ditched work all those times.

“I already told you, Ariel will be there to keep an eye on me during my first official party, and it will be fine. She whittled a shank out of a toothbrush during our scheduling meeting at Cindy’s house yesterday,” I tell him, laughing when he lets out a deep sigh.

He drops his arms from around me, grabbing my hips and turning me to face him.

“I still don’t like it,” he mutters, reaching up and brushing my hair off my forehead.

It’s on the tip of my tongue to just come right out and tell him I love him, but I hold it inside. We’ve never talked about the things I said the night I danced at Charming’s, about how I was falling for him and don’t want to ruin what’s happening between us right now. There’s no need for me to rush things or make it awkward. I know he cares about me. He shows me every single day, and that’s good enough for now.

Besides, I’m too excited about doing my first party tonight to worry about anything else. I’m shocked that I’m excited about it and not one bit nervous, and I know that has everything to do with the man standing in front of me and how much confidence he’s given me, especially recently, what with all the bedroom sex, kitchen sex, library sex. . . .

“It’s a bachelorette party filled with drunk women. There’s nothing for you to worry about,” I reassure him, reaching up and patting the side of his face as I turn back around and finish getting ready.

“PJ goes with Cindy,” he says petulantly, crossing his arms over his chest as I fluff out my hair, which I curled, and spritz myself with perfume.

PJ has been Cindy’s bodyguard at every party she’s booked and plans to do that until we’re making enough money to hire someone else. I think it’s kind of sweet that Vincent wants to do the same thing because he’s worried about my safety. But he doesn’t own Charming’s and can’t just come and go as he pleases. At least, not anymore, if wants to keep his job.