“Oh, God. I think I’m gonna be sick,” PJ mutters as we watch our parents make googly eyes at each other.

“Join the club, buddy,” I tell him, wincing when my dad leans in and nuzzles Luanne’s neck.

She smacks him away with another giggle, clearing her throat and addressing me again.

“Anyway, we figured this blindfold would come in handy tonight as well.”

I watch as Luanne helps my dad put the blindfold over his head and pull it down over his eyes.

“I’m just here for moral support. Can’t see a thing!” my dad announces with a huge smile on his face, waving his hands around in front of him like a blind person.

I want to remain disgusted by what’s happening in front of me, but I can’t. I’ve never seen my dad so happy and relaxed before, and I know I owe Luanne a lot more than just a thank you. I never thought my dad would ever step foot in a strip club or be supportive of my decisions. Granted, just knowing he’s here in this club, even if he won’t be able to see me, makes me a lot more nervous than I was before. But at least he’s forgiven me and realizes the mistakes he made.

All of a sudden, my dad’s hands smack against Vincent’s chest. He starts patting Vincent down, and I give the poor guy an apologetic look.

“My, you’re a big one, aren’t you?” my dad mutters, his hands patting along Vincent’s chest until he gets to his arms, giving his biceps a squeeze. “Luanne informed me my daughter has been shacking up with a man. Are you that man?”

Vincent rubs the back of his neck nervously as my dad continues to fondle him.

“Uh . . . I . . . she’s been sleeping in my spare bedroom and only my spare bedroom, and I would never take advantage of your daughter, sir, because she’s sweet and kind and innocent and I would never want to ruin that,” Vincent replies rapidly.

I shoot him a dirty look, narrowing my eyes at him.

Sweet and innocent my ass. And who says I can’t take advantage of you?!

“Dad, thanks for coming. I hope you’ll enjoy the show that you absolutely will not be seeing because someone will be gluing that blindfold to your face,” I tell him, leaning forward and giving him a kiss on the cheek. “If you’ll all excuse me, I need to get changed.”

While Luanne grabs my dad’s arm and guides him over to a table, and PJ and Cindy head over to the bar, I turn around and face Vincent, pressing my body right against his.

Pushing myself up on my toes, I put my mouth right by his ear.

“Enjoy the show,” I whisper, smiling to myself when I feel a slight shiver run through his body when my warm breath skates over his ear.

Sliding my cheek against his, I pull my head back and look right into his eyes as I trail my palm down his chest, over his abs and, with a boldness I’ve never known before, grab right on to his crotch.

“Hope it’s not too sweet and innocent for you.”

I give the bulge in his jeans a gentle squeeze before stepping back, dropping my hand, and turning away from him, making sure to add an extra special sway to my hips as I make my way through the crowd to the back of the club, where the dressing rooms are.

I’ll show you sweet and innocent.

Chapter 27: I Almost Spun to Death!

I can do this. I can totally do this. It will be over in less than three minutes and it will be perfect and everyone will finally see I’m not as inexperienced as they think I am.

“She can’t do this. What the hell were we thinking letting her do this?!”

My mental pep talk comes to a screeching halt and I stop pacing back and forth in the corner of the dressing room to look over at my two best friends, hovering in the doorway.

“Sweet mother of god, what is all this shit on the walls?” Ariel continues, moving farther into the room to examine the things I taped all over the place when I got back here a little bit ago.

“Those are my study notes. Obviously.”

I try to keep the frustration out of my voice, but it’s impossible when Ariel and Cindy stop in the middle of the room and stare at me like I’m crazy.

“Belle, sweetie, you cut out hundreds of different female body parts from the pages of magazines and taped them all over the walls. It’s . . . concerning,” Cindy explains in a soft, kind voice.

“It’s not concerning, it’s weird as fuck!” Ariel argues, walking over and ripping one of the items off the wall, waving it around in front of her. “This is serial-killer shit, Belle. You have an entire wall of female eyes. EYES! They’re staring at us and watching us and oh, my God. You’re a serial killer, aren’t you? I knew it. It’s always the quiet ones who live in their dad’s basement.”