One of his hands moves away from my hip, sliding up and under my T-shirt. Having just barely a B-cup, I usually don’t bother wearing a bra around here at night, and thank God for that. His palm glides up my stomach and cups my bare breast. As soon as his thumb grazes over my nipple, I feel it right between my legs.

“Oh, my God, oh, my—”

Vincent crashes his mouth to mine, swallowing my cries as my release washes through me. Every muscle in my body grows taught, my hips suspended off the counter as I swipe my thumb over myself, pulling every last ounce of pleasure out while Vincent continues kissing me and caressing my breast.

I moan into his mouth as he slows the kiss, sliding his hand back down until it’s holding my hip again. He slowly pulls his mouth away from mine as I remove my hand out from between my legs.

It’s not until he kisses the tip of my nose and smiles at me before helping me down from the counter that I realize the ringing sound in my ears a few seconds ago wasn’t from my orgasm, but was actually the loud buzz of the oven timer.

I quickly push Vincent out of the way, grab two oven mitts, and fling open the oven door. Black smoke billows out, and I fan it away with the mitts before reaching inside and pulling the pan out.

Setting the charred lasagna on top of the stove, I look back at him over my shoulder.

“So, takeout? I can’t believe all your hard work is ruined.”

Vincent laughs, moving up behind me and pushing my hair over one shoulder.

“Totally worth it,” he says, leaning down and kissing the side of my neck.

As he moves away to grab the takeout menus from the drawer, I realize I don’t want to just hang around and see where this thing goes between us. I want him to give me more. I want him to give me everything.

Chapter 25: I Did Not Get a Boner

“If you keep frowning like that your face is going to freeze that way. You’re too young and pretty to be stuck with a frowny face for the rest of your life.”

Looking up from my computer screen, I give Mrs. Potter a sad smile. I shouldn’t have been surprised to come in to work this morning to find an email from the board waiting for me. It said that despite my “valiant effort” of coming up with new and exciting ways to bring more patrons into the library, they officially plan on closing in two weeks unless, by some miracle, they can get enough money to keep it open.

I feel like a ticking time bomb on the verge of exploding with everything going on in my life. The last week with Vincent, after we cooked lasagna and heated things up on the counter, has been nothing short of amazing, but I’m about ready to jump out of my skin with wanting him. I’ve given him a few more cooking lessons that did not result in disaster, and he’s given me so many orgasms I’ve lost count. But it’s never gone any further than dry humping and heavy petting on every available surface in his house. It’s been wonderful and exciting, but I want more. And he just keeps telling me I’m not ready.

Knowing my time is running out with the library, I’ve been calling Cindy and PJ nonstop, telling them to book me for a night to dance at Charming’s, and they keep telling me I’m not ready.

On top of that, my father still hasn’t returned any of my calls, which indicates that he’s still not ready to forgive me for Cindy sending PJ’s mom over to his house to give him a lap dance.

I am getting sick and tired of everyone making decisions for me about my life and what I’m ready for.

Grabbing my cell phone off the counter, I quickly dial Cindy’s number. As soon as she picks up the phone, I cut off her greeting, not giving a single crap about being rude.

“Tell PJ I’m dancing at Charming’s tonight, whether he likes it or not. Studies show that knowing and valuing yourself, setting goals, and planning help build important foundations, but action is required to make your dreams come true. I’m taking action, Cindy. Your dreams came true, and now it’s my turn.”

I smile to myself when my voice comes out confident and strong instead of weak and unsure, knowing there’s no way Cindy will say no to me.

“Oh, sweetie,” she sighs. “I just . . . PJ and I think you need a little more time. I know you’re anxious to get started, and believe me, I want nothing more than for you to fully join the Naughty Princess Club, but I just don’t think you’re ready.”