And just like that, I melt into a puddle of goo in the passenger seat.

“Then let’s get the hell out of here so I can reward my human ficus tree with a little fuckus.”

PJ’s laughter fills the cab of the truck as he starts up the engine and backs out of the driveway, reaching over and lacing his fingers through mine as we make our way back to my house.

Seriously, how did I get so lucky to find a guy like this?

Chapter 28: I More Than Like You

I can’t believe this is my life now.

It’s been three weeks since my first paying stripping job, and I’ve successfully conducted ten more parties since then, always rewarding PJ when we get home each night for being the best bodyguard and human ficus tree. Each week with him is better than the last. True to his word, he made sure Anastasia came with us to his mother’s house the next time we went for a visit, and I practically had to drag her and Luanne away from each other when it was time to go, they got along so well. Since then, Luanne has stopped by several times to take Anastasia shopping and to spend the day with her, giving PJ and me some time alone. And giving my girl a taste of what it’s like to have a loving, caring grandparent in her life.

Surprisingly, I haven’t heard one word from Brian’s parents since that day in the mall, when I ran into Claudia. It’s not like I expected her to feel guilty with my parting shot about her granddaughter’s well-being and suddenly show up here to see her, but I also haven’t received any more threatening phone calls from Vincent about his stupid money. It’s been a nice change of pace not having to break out in a cold sweat each time my cell phone rings. Not only have the calls from Vincent stopped, but so have the ones from the bill collectors, since the Naughty Princess Club has been turning a very nice profit.

PJ continues to burrow his way into my heart with the way he treats Anastasia as well, the two of them getting along like they’ve known each other forever—oftentimes ganging up on me, but I don’t mind. I could never mind when I see the happiness on my daughter’s face, and I definitely didn’t mind when PJ was the one who convinced her to stop wearing so much black clothing all the time.

And yet, I still don’t know what we are. Are we boyfriend and girlfriend? Are we serious? Are we even exclusive? It’s not like I’m going out and testing the waters now that I’ve learned how to swim again, but what if he is? These are things we probably should have discussed by now, but I don’t know how to bring it up without looking like an insecure, needy woman.

“Am I moving too fast?”

The sound of PJ’s voice pulls me from my thoughts, and I realize I should probably be paying attention to him right now instead of letting my mind wander. And then it occurs to me what he asked and a thrill of excitement goes through me.

“OMG I’m so glad you said something! I wasn’t sure if this was something people were supposed to talk about or if you weren’t saying anything because you didn’t feel the same way, but I really, really like you, and I like what we’re doing, and maybe it’s fast to other people but it feels right to me, you know?” I ramble, looking down at him expectantly.

“Jesus, you’re adorable,” PJ laughs. “I was actually referring to my dick moving inside you, but if you’d rather talk about our feelings, I’m okay with that too. As long as I can keep my dick where it is. He’s very warm and cozy.”

Seriously, Cindy, get your head in the game. You are currently in your bed, attempting to ride a hot, sweet, wonderful man, and you’re ruining things.

“I’m an idiot,” I mutter as I move to get off of him.

PJ quickly grabs my hips and keeps me right where I am. He thrusts upward, pushing himself deeper inside me, and we both let out soft groans as I lean forward and rest my hands on his chest.

We had our first sleepover last night, since Anastasia stayed at a friend’s house, and as soon as I opened my eyes and felt PJ curled up behind me with his arms wrapped securely around me and his morning wood pressed into my ass, I couldn’t stop myself from rolling over and climbing on top of him.

“You’re not an idiot. And I’m on the same page as you. I really, really like you too. I more than like you, but I don’t think you’re ready for that yet, so we’ll just pretend like I didn’t say it.”