“The good news is, we have business coming in now and everything’s going to be fine for all of us really soon. We’re going to make a shit ton of money, and then we can go and buy all of your things back,” I say, gesturing toward Ariel before turning my attention to Belle. “And find you a wonderful place to live while also saving the town library. And it will be perfect.”

“You’re so chipper and happy now that you’re getting laid on the regular that it’s making me nauseous. I literally feel like I’m going to throw up in my mouth if you don’t get out of here. Don’t you have a date or something?” Ariel asks.

Just then, the doorbell rings, and a flutter of nerves overwhelms me.

“It’s not a date. He’s taking me to meet his mom,” I remind her, hopping down off the stool and smoothing my hands down the front of my dress.

It’s another wrap dress like the peach one PJ liked so much, but this one is light blue and doesn’t have as low a neckline. Showing off a whole lot of cleavage didn’t feel right for meeting PJ’s mother. Plus, ever since I danced in that lacy light-blue bra and thong, PJ has told me it’s his new favorite color on me.

“Damn, taking you to meet Mommy. So, you two are officially going steady now? Did he give you his class ring? Ask to carry your books to class? When’s the wedding?” Ariel jokes.

“We’re not going steady and there’s no wedding. We’re just . . . taking things slow. Honestly, I don’t even know what we are. I don’t know what I’m doing, so I’m letting him take the lead. I don’t want to just assume this is serious just because we’re having sex.”

“Honey, he’s taking you home to meet his mom. It’s serious. He got one taste of your sweet, sweet vagina and now he’s in love,” she laughs.

“Shut up, he’s not in love. No one is in love. There is no love going on so get that out of your head,” I tell her in annoyance, not even sure I believe the words coming out of my mouth.

At first, I was as shallow as every other woman out there: I was attracted to PJ because he’s hot. But with each moment I spend with him, the feeling is quickly growing into something more. Now it’s not just his looks I’m attracted to, although those are definitely a wonderful perk. I’m attracted to his confidence in me. I’m attracted to the way he challenges me and pushes me to be the person I want to be. I’m attracted to the way he takes care of me without making me feel like it’s something I can’t do on my own, but rather, something he wants to do. From the first day we met, even though I was in the process of passing out at the time and didn’t get to appreciate it fully, his natural instinct was to leap over a damn shrub to get to me before I could get hurt. Everyone in my life before him stood idly by and let me fall, but with PJ, something just tells me he’ll always be there to catch me if I need him.

“Do I look okay?” I ask as the doorbell rings again.

“You look lovely,” Belle tells me.

Her nervous expression from moments ago has been replaced with a dreamy smile as she stares at me, and it makes me feel a little less guilty.

“You look good. I’d do you,” Ariel adds with a shrug. “Don’t make an ass of yourself. And if you see any signs that he’s a momma’s boy, I don’t care how good he gives you the D, run. Run for the hills.”

“And what exactly would be the signs that he’s a momma’s boy?” I ask as I start walking backward to the doorway.

“I don’t know. If he sits on her lap and she still breastfeeds him. Those are probably big red flags.”

“Jesus, you need to stop going on Tinder dates,” I mutter as I turn and head into the hallway.

“NO MATTER WHAT HE SAYS, DO NOT BELIVE HIM WHEN HE TELLS YOU IT’S NORMAL AND EVERYONE DOES IT!” she shouts after me as I take a deep breath and open the front door.

I will never get used to the sight of this man staring at me like he can’t get enough of me. He looks me over from head to toe and then grabs my hand, yanking me roughly against his body and wrapping his arms around me.

“You had to wear this color, didn’t you? I don’t think my mom will appreciate me having a hard-on all through lunch, or dragging you into her bathroom to fuck you on the counter,” he tells me before dipping his head and kissing me.