PJ didn’t make fun of me when I attempted to take my jeans off and froze, and he didn’t push me. He just told me it was fine and we’d try again another time. I quickly pushed aside my worry when he pulled me down on top of him on the couch and turned my brain into mush with his lips.

I need to get out of my head and just do it. Our website is set up with a photo of each of us in our princess costumes, and a customer can click on whichever princess they’d like at their party. At any minute, I could get an email that says I’ve been requested, and it’s not like I could turn it down. Vincent won’t wait much longer before he takes drastic measures. And even though I have no intentions of giving him any of the money he thinks I stole even if I had it to give, he could still take this house since Brian stupidly put the deed in Castle Creative’s name. We need to get paying customers fast in case I suddenly need to find a new place to live for Anastasia and I, and in order for them to pay us, I need to be able to give them the best stripping experience of their life.

“Let’s tackle the most important problem on our to-do-list and the one that will officially break you out of your self-imposed shell: Get Cindy Laid. Close your eyes and scream ‘FUCK ME, PJ!’ at the top of your lungs,” she orders.

“I will do no such thing,” I tell her with a roll of my eyes.

“Scream it. Right now. Or I will punch you right in the twat.”

“This is ridiculous. Screaming something like that is not going to help me,” I complain.

“It will most certainly help you. A little dirty talk goes a long way with the gentlemen callers. If Belle were here right now, she’d probably be spouting off a bunch of stats about this shit. You know what? Fuck it, pretend I’m Belle. Studies show every single man in the entire universe is more likely to stick his dick in you if you talk dirty,” Ariel says in a soft, meek voice eerily similar to Belle’s.

Ariel sits on her stool staring me down, and I know she won’t let up until I give her what she wants.

“FuckmePJ,” I mumble quickly, my cheeks flushing with heat.

“I’m sorry, twat did you say? I cunt here you. Louder!” Ariel orders.

“Oh my God,” I groan, raising my voice just a tiny bit louder, barely above a whisper. “Fuck me PJ.”

“Jesus, you suck at this.” She shakes her head at me and gives me a look of pity. “Louder. And put your fucking vagina into it this time.”

“Fuck me, PJ,” I say again, a little bit louder.

“Better. Now try, ‘I want your cock in my pussy.’”

When I don’t immediately reply, she punches me in the arm.

“Ow, what the hell?! Just give me a minute!” I yell at her.

“Yeah, that’s it! Get mad!” she demands, punching me again.

“SON OF A BITCH, I WANT YOUR COCK IN MY PUSSY!” I shout at the top of my lungs, glaring at her as I rub the spot on my arm that already feels like it’s bruising.

“BEND ME OVER THE COUCH AND FUCK ME HARD!” Ariel screams, threatening me with her fist held up in the air.


Ariel claps her hands together in glee and bounces up and down on her stool.

“Oh my God this is so much fun! It’s like having my very own wind-up, talking hussy doll. I WANT TO LICK YOUR BALLS!”

“I WANT TO LICK YOUR BALLS!” I immediately shout back, starting to get the hang of this and not even a little bit embarrassed by the things coming out of my mouth now. “FUCK ME HARDER, LICK MY PUSSY, PUT YOUR DICK IN MY MOUTH, STICK IT IN MY ASS, TOSS MY MOTHERFUCKING SALAD!”

Ariel immediately stops clapping and looks at me with wide eyes.

“What? Too far?” I ask.

“Jesus, way too far. I know I told you to cruise around on Urban Dictionary to pick up some new words, but that was clearly a mistake.”

I blow out a breath of air and smile at her. “I can do this.”

“You can totally do this.”

Grabbing my phone from the counter, I send a quick text to PJ, asking him if I can dance at the club this weekend. Sure, it’s not coming right out and asking him for the things I just shouted in the middle of my kitchen, but it’s equally important, and he knows that. Plus, dancing at Charming’s would be the ultimate way to get customers, and much better than sticking flyers in mailboxes or twiddling our thumbs waiting for someone looking for strippers to just stumble on our website. I would literally be in a room filled with our target market.