PJ’s arm tightens around my body, one of his hands sliding up and tangling into my messy bun, clutching my hair tightly in his fist, causing my hips to jerk against him with how good it feels.

Oh my God, it feels so good.

He curses under his breath again with his lips right against my ear, and the sound of him losing control pushes me closer and closer to the edge. I want to tell him to tug on my hair harder, move his hips faster, stand up and walk me over to the closest wall and push me up against it, anything to make this ache between my legs disappear and finally make me topple over into an ocean of bliss.

I want the ocean of bliss. I deserve the ocean of bliss.

“I knew it! I knew you’d get off on having your hair pulled!”

The sound of Ariel’s voice has me immediately disembarking the plane to Orgasm Town in a frantic crash landing, and scrambling off PJ’s lap just as quickly as I got on it a few minutes ago. I am less than graceful in unstraddling PJ. My knee smacks right into his groin and my elbow clocks him on the chin as I go. Ariel is completely oblivious to my mortification. She flops down on the bench right next to me while PJ leans forward with both of his hands between his legs, moaning in pain as I get myself situated next to him, cross my legs, clasp my hands over my knee, and pretend like I didn’t just almost get off in the middle of a packed club, with a man who is practically a stranger, a man who irritates me with his arrogance and thinks I lack the confidence to be a stripper.

“Soooooo, what have you kids been up to?” Ariel asks with a wide grin, looking back and forth between PJ and me when he finally stops whimpering like a child and sits up.

I try not to let my humiliation get worse when PJ calmly leans forward to grab his drink from the table, and I see a bottle of Moscato sitting in an ice bucket that Jennifer must have quietly dropped off while I was obliviously gyrating in PJ’s lap.

While PJ takes a sip of his drink, Eric walks over to our table and starts talking business with PJ, momentarily distracting him. I silently give Ariel a wide-eyed “If you say one more word about what you just saw I will take you outside, rip your arm off and beat you with it” look.

She sighs and shakes her head at me. It’s uncanny how easily she can read me after not knowing me for very long.

“Fine. I’ll change the subject. But I’m not going to forget about this. You will tell me everything about why you walked over here an hour ago just to talk business and suddenly I find you riding him like Seabiscuit. Hashtag, never forget. Hashtag, ride his pony. Hashtag, you’re a dirty slut,” she whispers, making a hashtag sign with the first two fingers on both of her hands before leaning forward to look around me and at PJ.

“So, PJ. There’s this story I heard about where a stripper gave a guy chlamydia when she pissed in his eye. Eye chlamydia, if you will. Have any of your strippers ever given a man Clam-Jam Eyeball?” Ariel asks, making me groan, close my eyes and drop my head into my hands as Eric laughs at her question.

This is definitely not what I meant when I wanted Ariel to change the subject.

“You’re adorable,” Eric tells her.

“I’d like to strike my question from the record,” Ariel says as I open my eyes to find her glaring at Eric. “Tell me, does it burn when you pee? Wait, that’s dick chlamydia. Does it burn when you cry like a little girl?”

PJ coughs as he tries to cover up a laugh.

“My dancers are all clean. I’m sure that’s just some sort of weird, urban legend or something,” PJ tells her.

“It’s not an urban legend. It’s all true! True, true, true! True is a funny word. Truuuuuuuuuuue,” Belle says, crossing her eyes to try and look down at her mouth as she speaks while Beast removes his giant arm from around her tiny body and gently deposits her on the bench on the other side of PJ.

“She’s drunk,” Beast mutters in annoyance, stating the obvious as Belle’s head flops down onto PJ’s shoulder.

“It happened in Thailand,” Belle speaks up again, her head still resting on PJ as she holds her hand up in front of face and stares mesmerized at her fingers as she wiggles them. “A bunch of guys were having a party in a hotel room and they hired strippers. One of the strippers urinated on one of the guys and the next day, he woke up blind. They took him to the hospital and found out he had chlamydia in his eyes. Did you know people who enjoy golden showers are called urophiliacs? I don’t think I’d like to be peed on. . . .”