When he’s a few feet away, and I only have a second to decide what to do before my world comes crashing down around me without warning for a second time, for the first time in my life, I act without thinking.

Faster than I’ve ever moved in my life, I fly off of the bench and right onto PJ’s lap, straddling him, resting my knees on either side of his thighs, as I wrap my arms around his shoulders and do what I’ve been fantasizing about all night. I bury my face into the side of his neck and breathe him in as I slam my butt down right onto his lap.

“What the hell—”

“SHUT UP!” I whisper-yell, moving my face away from his delicious-smelling neck and pressing my lips against his ear lobe. “Whatever you do, do NOT tell that man who is two seconds away from stopping at our table who I am! I’m just a stripper, giving you a lap dance. It’s just a normal Friday night for you. Just sit there and look pretty and pretend like you’re enjoying what I’m about to do to you.”

Closing my eyes and pressing my face back into the side of his neck, I pray for a miracle as I slowly start to swivel my hips in PJ’s lap, too worried about all the ways this spur-of-the-moment decision could go wrong to realize PJ’s hands have grabbed onto my hips and he’s pulling me more snugly against him.

Chapter 14: Chlamydia Eye

“Mr. Charming, just the man I was looking for,” Vincent Castle, my former father-in-law, speaks from behind me as I continue slowly moving the lower half of my body around on PJ’s lap.

“FYI, that’s my former father-in-law. He doesn’t like me because my ex is a lying, cheating, waste of space. If you do this for me, I’ll never, ever ask you for help again or bother any of your strippers,” I whisper frantically in PJ’s ear.

His hands tighten their grip on my hips, holding me close as I press my cheek against his, keeping my mouth right by his ear, wondering why I’m not completely grossed out by the fact that I’m dry humping a man a few feet away from the man who walked me down the aisle because I didn’t have a father to do the honors, and who was in the delivery room when Anastasia was born.

“Mr. Castle, it’s nice to see you again,” PJ says over my shoulder, and I can feel the grin on his face against my cheek that’s still pressed up against his.

I should probably also be disgusted by the fact that PJ clearly knows my former father-in-law, which means he’s a regular here. Vincent Castle, pillar of the community and happily married to his high-school sweetheart for forty-five-years, is a regular at a strip club. While his wife is most likely at home, fast asleep after taking her nightly dose of Ambien, her husband is out carousing around half-naked women. Typical.

And yet I can’t bring myself to feel even a tiny bit of revulsion. I’m too busy wrapping my arms tighter around PJ’s neck, pressing my breasts against his muscular chest, and grinding myself against him.

“I wanted to talk to you about a possible investment opportunity, but I see you have your hands full,” Vincent laughs. “She’s got a great ass. I wouldn’t mind taking her off your hands when you’re finished.”

“Eew, eew, eew,” I whisper in PJ’s ear, squeezing my eyes closed and pretending like that man did not just compliment my butt and suggest I give him a lap dance next.

The disgust starts to creep its way into my consciousness, but it quickly disappears when PJ’s hands slide from my hips to clutch my butt, pulling me down harder onto his lap. I forget all about the man standing behind us when I swivel my hips again, and the very hard, very large lump in PJ’s pants, which wasn’t there a few seconds ago, rubs up against me.

I continue moving, slowly and seductively, on PJ’s thighs, rubbing myself against the impressive hardness in his pants with each roll of my hips. The tips of his fingers dig into my backside, and I hear a small groan come from his mouth, smiling to myself when he stutters over his next words.

“I’m . . . it’s . . . she’s new. Still . . . learning the ropes. Maybe next time.”

I loosen my hold around his neck, dig my knees into the bench and slowly slide my body down his thighs, pressing myself down harder on his erection and rubbing my breasts against his chest as I come back up and seat myself back in his lap.

“F-u-u-u-u-u-ck . . .” PJ mutters under his breath, when I resume rotating my hips, raising myself up on my knees and away from him as my body continues to move.