“Listen, I’ve heard a few rumblings of some things lately, and—”

“I’m gonna stop you right there, John,” Ariel interrupts, taking a step toward him. “If you came over here to stick your nose into Cindy’s business, I’m going to tell you the same thing I told that twit Alexis, except it will be much more colorful and involve you sticking a certain part of your anatomy in your own ass.”

Ariel gives him a sweet smile as he swallows nervously, his eyes darting away from her and back to me.

“I swear, I mean no disrespect, Cynthia. I just . . . well, I have a job offer for you ladies if you’re up for it.”

Isabelle gasps in shock, and my mouth drops open, wondering how in the world this man happened to come over to us at just the right moment.

“Well, why the fuck didn’t you lead with that, Johnny-Boy? What exactly did you have in mind?” Ariel asks, crossing her arms over her chest and leaning back against the table.

The placement of her arms pushes her ample cleavage almost up to her chin, and it takes John a few seconds of staring before he blinks his eyes into focus and finally looks up at Ariel’s eyes. Which is fortunate for him, since two seconds longer and Ariel would have probably made good on her threat of sticking his man parts into his own behind.

“You see, there’s this party we’re having next weekend. A birthday party. We’re having it at my friend’s house, since our kitchen is being remodeled. Anyway, he’s the guy over there.”

We all look to where John is pointing, and I let out an audible gasp when I see he’s pointing to the man I just had the run-in with.

“Sweet mother of God he’s got a great ass,” Ariel mutters under her breath when the man in question bends over to pick up a napkin someone dropped on the ground. He tosses it into a garbage can before moving on down the street.

He might be rude and have horrible manners, but at least he’s conscientious about trash disposal.

John turns back to face us and continues with his explanation as I try my hardest not to continue staring over at the man, who looks bored and like he’d rather be anywhere else than at this party.

“Those princess costumes are exactly what I’m looking for. I was wondering if maybe the three of you would be able to come to the party and put on a little show. I was in charge of entertainment, but we had a cancellation at the last minute and I’m stuck. You guys would really be helping me out,” John says nervously.

It only takes me a few seconds for what he’s saying to click, and a huge smile lights up my face.

“John, could you give me and my friends just a few minutes to talk this over?”

He gives me a quick nod, and grabbing Ariel and Isabelle’s arms, I pull them a few feet away, where we huddle together with our heads down.

“What the fuck is he talking about?” Ariel whispers.

“Don’t you get it? We’re dressed as princesses. It’s a birthday party. John and his wife have four little girls, and I know one of them has a birthday coming up. He wants us to do a princess party for his daughter, and like he said, his kitchen is being remodeled, so they’re having the party at his friend’s house instead! This is so exciting. I can’t believe I didn’t think of this myself when I realized we all dressed as princesses tonight!” I exclaim. Isabelle’s face lights up in a smile as big as my own as Ariel’s mouth turns to a frown.

I’m not quite sure how I feel about going to the house of the man who saw me at my weakest and insulted my cupcakes and costume, but I’ll worry about that later. The most important thing right now is that we’ve just been given a golden opportunity, and I’m not about to let it pass us by because I’m offended and a tad bit embarrassed.

“We’re supposed to show up at a party filled with a bunch of sticky, whiny, foot-stomping little girls and what? Wave our magic wand over them to get them to stop being assholes? No thanks. I’ll pass,” Ariel complains.

“It pays three thousand dollars, if that’s any help with your decision,” John yells over to us.

“Holy shit,” Ariel mutters.

“That’s a thousand dollars apiece,” I whisper, thinking about how many bills I could pay and groceries I could buy with that kind of money for just a few hours of work.

“Dealing with a bunch of little brats for a grand? Do you have any idea how many blow jobs we’d need to perform to make that kind of money?” Ariel asks.