Page 106 of Revved (Revved #1)

He takes it from me. “I’m driving. I’m faster than you.”

Then, I’m forced to part from him as we climb into my mum’s car. But the minute we’re inside, he grabs me by the back of the neck and presses a firm kiss to my lips, leaving me breathless and wanting.

Starting the engine, he peels out of the parking lot. My hand is in his the whole ride to Carrick’s hotel. Thankfully, the hotel isn’t far from the Autódromo, and in no time, we’re pulling up front and getting out.

Meeting Carrick on the pavement, he takes my hand again.

Leading me into the hotel, he tosses the keys to the valet. “Park her up.”

Then, we’re in the elevator. Carrick presses the button to his floor. I can’t wait for the door to close, so we can get upstairs, and I can finally touch him like I need to. But clearly the gods aren’t on our side because a man appears outside the elevator, wanting to get in.

A low growl comes from Carrick, and then he says, “I’ll give you everything I have in my wallet right now if you don’t get in this elevator.”

My eyes ping to Carrick in shock, but he’s not looking at me. He’s looking at the man. So then, I look at the man, interested in how this is going to go.

The man looks to be English. He’s in his late forties, well dressed in a sharp black suit.

A hint of a smile touches Suit Man’s lips. “You’re Carrick Ryan, right?” It’s not a question. He knows it’s Carrick.


The door starts to close, but Suit Man stops it with his foot. “My kid’s a big fan of yours. Can you sign this for him?” He holds out the newspaper that was under his arm. “Do that, and I’ll leave you in peace.”

I hear a short burst of laughter come from Carrick, and then he reaches out and takes the paper. It’s the sports section, and I can see Carrick’s picture on the front.

“You got a pen?” Carrick asks Suit Man.

“Yeah.” He pulls one from inside his jacket pocket and hands it to Carrick.

Resting the paper against the elevator wall, Carrick quickly signs his name across his picture and hands the newspaper and pen back.

“Thanks,” Suit Man says, stepping back from the elevator. “My kid will be thrilled. I’ll be in his good books for weeks.”

Carrick chuckles low. “Well, give him this, too, and it might turn those weeks into months.” Carrick pulls the cap from his head and hands it over to Suit Man.

“That’s great.” He taps Carrick’s hat on his hand. “Thanks so much. And enjoy the rest of your day.”

“Oh, I intend to,” Carrick mutters low, jabbing the button for his floor.

The door closes, and we’re finally moving up.

“That was sweet what you just did, giving him your cap.”

Carrick turns his face to me. His eyes are blazing, and it makes my insides tremble.

“I’m not sweet, Andressa. I’m hard. Really fucking hard.”

He takes my hand and presses it against his very present erection, making me gasp and my knickers instantly soak through.

Turning fully to me, he backs me up against the wall. Hands braced on either side of my head, he lowers his mouth to mine, lips almost touching. His breath brushes over my skin.

My body is quivering with need, and suddenly, I’m very breathless. “I can’t believe you offered that man money not to get in the elevator.”

Moving a hand, he runs it over the curve of my waist, pressing his hips into mine. “I haven’t been inside you for two fucking months. I’d pretty much say or do anything to speed that up.”

I don’t get a chance to respond as my words are swallowed up by his hot kiss.

It’s desperate and clingy on both our parts. His hands are in my hair, tilting my head back, so he can get better access to my mouth as he licks the inside of it. My fingers wind in his short locks, pulling on the strands, as I practically climb his body to get closer.

Two months of not having each other is pouring out into this one kiss.

But we have been apart. We haven’t really talked about that or anything, and we probably should before we even think about having sex.

I break off, breathing hard. “Carrick…shouldn’t we talk first?”

His brow lifts. “What the fuck do we need to talk about?”

“Us. The time we’ve been apart.”

“Have you been with another man?”

“No!” I gasp, hurt that he even asked. Then, my heart sinks because I haven’t even considered the possibility that he could have been with another woman. “Have…you?”


I breathe out my relief.

“You love me, right?”

I stare into his eyes. “You know I do.”

“And I love you, madly and fucking deeply, and that’s all we need to know right now. Talking can come later. Right now, I’m gonna show you how deep my love for you can go—namely with my cock inside you.”

“You’re such a romantic.” I giggle as I slide my hands down from his hair, wrapping them around the nape of his neck.

“You know it, babe.” He gives a sexy smirk.

“And what you need to know is that I don’t just love you, Carrick.” I move my lips in close to his, so there’s only a sliver of air between them. “I’m in love with you.”

On a growl, he’s kissing me again, devouring me.