Bryant nodded like it all made sense. “Well, nice to meet you. I’ll let you two catch up while I get in a few laps.”

Just as Bryant began to walk away, Chase stopped him. “How did you know I was Chase? Aunt Bea showing off my pictures again?”

“Nah. Haven’t met any of Reese’s family yet. Saw your picture on her laptop.”

“My picture?”

“It’s Reese’s background on her MacBook.”

Forget the hole I wanted to crawl in to hide a minute ago. Now I closed my eyes and prayed for the Earth to swallow me up and never spit me back out. Or for the superpower of turning the Earth backward so time could rewind. I stood completely still and counted to thirty with my eyes tightly shut. When my time was up, I opened one eye, peeking to see if Chase had disappeared.

“Still here.” He smirked.

I covered my face with my hands. “I’m so embarrassed.”

“Don’t be. We’re not blood cousins, so it’s not too weird for you to be dreaming about me at night.”

“I was not dreaming about you at night!”

“So it’s only during the day while you stare at my picture on your laptop, then?”

“It was an accident. I didn’t mean to set it as my background.”

He folded his arms over his chest. “Okay. I’ll buy that.”

“Good, because it’s true.”

“But how, exactly, did the picture get on your laptop in the first place? I don’t remember you snapping a pic during our double date.”

I snorted. “Double date?”

“Speaking of which, what happened to Oedipus? Kicked to the curb so soon? I gotta admit, even though you went about trying to get out of your date all wrong, you weren’t wrong about that guy. Boring as shit.”

“He was.”

“So who’s this new dope you’re with?”

“Dope? You don’t even know him.”

“Left me standing here with his girl. Dope.”

“He thinks we’re cousins!”

“I told you, we’re not blood-related.”

“Yes, but—” I laughed. “You’re bizarre, you know that?”

“Not any more bizarre than a woman who somehow took a photo of a perfect stranger and has it on her MacBook for her boyfriend to see.”

“He’s not my boyfriend.” I had no idea why I said that. It was sort of true, but sort of not. “Well, we’ve gone out twice.”

“Ah…so you haven’t slept with him yet.”

I hadn’t, but how would he know that? “What makes you say that?”

“Because you’re not the type of girl who sleeps with guys on the first or second date.”

“How would you know?”

“I just do.”

“What exactly is the type of girl who sleeps with a guy on a first date?”

“She sends signals—dresses a certain way, makes body contact. You know the type. I know you do.”

“Like Bridget?” That woman had been pawing him by the end of the night.

He said nothing.

I thought it was oddly gentlemanly that he didn’t agree about Bridget or confirm what I suspected happened after their date.

“So how did you get a picture of me anyway?” he asked instead.

I told the truth. Well, mostly. “I searched for you on Facebook after that night in the restaurant. I wanted to say thank you for saving me and making the evening fun.”

“You sent me a message?”

“No. I never did. It sort of…felt creepy that I’d stalked you, so I changed my mind.”

“And you liked my picture so much that you kept it?”

“I went to bookmark the page in case I changed my mind about sending you that note, and instead I saved the picture.” I felt the blush creeping up my face. I’d always been a terrible liar. My mom used to say I was easier to read than a book.

Surprisingly, Chase nodded. I hadn’t expected him to let me off the hook that easily. “Is this your regular gym? I haven’t seen you here before.”

“No. It’s Bryant’s gym. He invited me. I had a bad day and planned to wine away my stresses. But he suggested I come work them off at the gym instead.”

“Told ya. Dope. Definitely not what I would have suggested to alleviate stress if I was Brandon.”



“So what would you have suggested?”

“Nothing.” He changed subjects. “So why was your day so bad, anyway?”

“Two job interviews. The first one I blew before I even walked into the office, and the second one blew me off just as I pulled up to their building.”

“You’re out of work?”

“Not yet. But I will be as of next Friday. Probably wasn’t the smartest move to give notice in this economy before I found another job.”

“What do you do?”

“Marketing. I was the director of marketing for Fresh Look Cosmetics.”

“Small world. I’m friendly with Scott Eikman, the president of Fresh Look. We play golf together sometimes.”

“Eight and a half million people in our little city, and my fake middle school boyfriend slash non-blood-related cousin golfs with the head of my company? That is bizarre.”

Chase laughed. “Scott’s retiring next year, right?”