My eyes closed, succumbing against my better judgment. “We’re at work.”

“That’ll make it more exciting.”

A knock on the other side of the glass startled me, and I almost fell off the stool. Luckily, Chase steadied me, his hands catching my shoulders and keeping me upright as I bobbled. He chuckled behind me as Elaine held up five fingers, letting us know we would break for lunch in a few.

“No problem, Elaine,” he said, even though she couldn’t hear him. “I can be done in five minutes. I’m pretty sure Reese is wet already, anyway.”

“You’re such a perv.”

He spun my stool around to face him and took my face in his hands. “What do you say we go back to the hotel for lunch?”

I squinted. “To eat?”

“Pussy, yes.”

I squirmed a little. “All this time I’ve been worried about what would happen at work when things end. I should have been worried about what would happen at work when things got started.”

“I see nothing but good things happening at work in our future.”

“Is that so?”

“It is. The first night we get back to the office, I’m going to bend you over my desk and fuck you from behind while you watch the city light up in the dark.”

I swallowed. “That’s probably a no-no in the employee handbook.”

“I’ll have to fix that promptly. You know what else I can’t wait to do with you?”


“I want you on your knees while I sit at my desk.”

“While you…sit at your desk?”

He nodded slowly. “I want to look down and watch your head rise and fall as you take my cock into your throat.” He tugged my hair. “I’m going to hold a fistful of your hair and keep you there until you swallow every last drop of my come.”

What probably should have been concerning to me about the state of my future employment was, instead, totally working for me. His dirty mouth totally worked for me.

“What else?” I breathed.

“The conference room table. I want to spread you on the top of the glass and lick your juicy little cunt until the entire office hears you moaning the boss’s name.”

I let out a shaky laugh. “I think you’ve lost it, Bossman.”

Chase’s back was to the door when it opened, blocking the view of anything going on between us. He leisurely unwound his hand from my hair.

“You two want to grab a bite to eat or order in?” Elaine asked.

Chase looked to me. I tried to hide my coquettish smile as I lied.

“Actually, Chase has a telephone conference he needs to do at lunch, so we’re going to head back to the hotel for an hour.”

“Do you want me to order you something for when you get back?”

“No, but thank you. I’ll make sure he gets something to eat at the hotel while he’s busy playing boss.”


For the rest of the day, Chase and I were busy but exchanged flirtatious glances all afternoon. Even though a part of me still worried it was stupid to get involved, I was starting to not give a damn about the consequences if it meant spending my days feeling like this. I honestly couldn’t remember the last time I’d been this giddy over a guy, and it felt good. Really good.

At the end of the sessions, Elaine schmoozed us into having dinner with her. She was pushy and made it hard to say no. During drinks we sat around in the bar and talked shop, but then things turned personal.

“So are you single, Chase?” she asked.

My eyes immediately jumped to his. He responded to her while looking at me. “I’m not married, no. But I’m seeing someone.”

She nodded. “I swear I never play matchmaker, but I had a friend in mind for you, too.”


She had his attention now.

“Yes. I’m going to fix Reese up. My brother recently moved to the city, and I think they’ll hit it off.”

Chase’s eyebrows raised, and he looked at me. I had no idea what to say, so I just sat there. I couldn’t backtrack now without sounding like an idiot. I’d just figured I’d blow her brother off if she did have him contact me.

Chase had a different idea on the approach. He took a long draw on his beer and said, “I thought you were seeing someone, Reese?”

“Umm…I am…well, sort of. It’s new.”

“This new guy…he doesn’t mind you going out with other people?”

I wanted to smack him. He was enjoying how uncomfortable the conversation made me. “I don’t know, actually. We haven’t discussed it.”

He finished his beer. “I’d put my money on him having no plans to share you.”

His comment made me feel warm, though I should have known better than to expect him to stop there.

He spoke to Elaine with a straight face. “She’s dating her cousin.”

“Her cousin?”

“They’re second cousins. Met at her great-uncle’s funeral last week.”