Parker looked at Lucian and something in the air shifted. It wasn’t a challenge, but rather a silent understanding of sorts. She shifted in her seat. “Lucian hasn’t even told me how he found you.”

Parker turned back to her. “It seems Lucian does business with my boss.”

“And who’s your boss?”

“Evelyn’s been making jewelry,” Lucian chimed in. The sharp twist of topic made her frown. He lifted her wrist and displayed her bracelet. “She made this. She has quite a talent, wouldn’t you say?”

Parker examined the bracelet, his finger dragging over the metal band and brushing softly across her pulse. “Lovely. You made this?”

She blushed. “It’s just a hobby.”

“Don’t minimize your talent, Evelyn,” Lucian said.

“Do you make other stuff?” Parker asked.

She shrugged. “I’m just sort of playing around with some junk I bought at a sidewalk sale. It’s nothing, really. I’d much rather hear about what you’ve been up to.”

“How’s Pearl?”

She was getting whiplash from mentally volleying between topics. Why did it seem the two men in her life who openly disliked each other had formed some sort of alliance to shut her out? “Pearl’s good. Great actually.”


“For now. It’s a guessing game what tomorrow will bring. Lucian found her a great rehab. She hates it, of course.”

Parker nodded, understandingly. “At least you don’t have to visit the tracks anymore. I have no doubt you will do whatever it takes to keep her in the facility she’s in now.” His statement was directed at Lucian. She frowned. Of course Lucian would want to keep Pearl where she was receiving the most care. Why wouldn’t he?

“Evelyn and I are leaving town for a while,” Lucian suddenly announced.

“How long?”

Her eyes widened when Parker boldly asked of their personal plans. They nearly fell out of her head when Lucian entertained his question with an answer.

“A week or so.” Lucian didn’t explain himself to anyone.

Perhaps he was being accommodating so she and Parker could find time to reconnect as friends, but she very much doubted that. This was likely a one-time thing. Lucian wouldn’t be comfortable with her and Park hanging out, yet she couldn’t shake the odd sense they were talking in code.

“We’re going to Lucian’s country estate, getting out of the city for a while. You should come visit. I can show off my culinary skills.”

Lucian chuckled and lifted their entwined hands to his mouth, kissing her fingers. “You don’t have culinary skills, Evelyn.”

Parker’s gaze followed the affectionate gesture.

“Don’t tell him that or he won’t visit.”

“I’m afraid I have to decline,” Parker said. “I have some things I need to work out over the next week. There is a merger I need to prepare for and I’m afraid I’ll need every free minute I have left.” He turned and sent Lucian a pointed look. His eyes softened as he returned his gaze to her. “But I do intend to see you the moment you return, Scout.”

She smiled. “I’d love that.”

The waiter returned with their dinner and the conversation revolved around light subjects, the weather, Pearl, names of acquaintances from the past, Lucian’s redevelopment of St. Christopher’s.

“We should do this again sometime,” she said as their plates were cleared.

“When do you see your schedule opening up, Hughes?”

Parker looked at Lucian, and there was something knowing and cynical in his gaze. “I believe it’s safe to say you will be hearing from me again by the first of the month.”

Lucian’s jaw ticked. “Perhaps by then we’ll have reason to celebrate once more.”

Evelyn frowned and Parker’s eyes narrowed. “That soon? I think you overestimate yourself, Patras.”

That was it. She couldn’t take any more. “What the hell are you two talking about?”

They both looked at her, but neither made a peep. Lucian signed the tab and stood, helping her to her feet. “It was an experience, Hughes.”

Parker stood and reached for Evelyn’s hand. “Scout . . . I’m sorry I made you worry. Here.” He handed her a business card with only his name and number, no company name or even accenting designs. “Call me if you need anything.”

She took the card and placed it in her purse. Why did everything seem so final all the sudden? All affability seemed to have slipped away the moment they stood.

Parker hugged her and she had a hard time letting go. When he stepped back, Lucian retrieved her hand.

“We’ll be seeing you, Hughes.”

“Count on it,” Parker said, and then he was gone.

Chapter 12

A Sinking Stone

As the limo pulled out of the city, the weight of a sinking stone settled into Evelyn’s belly. Lucian was quiet until they were within a few minutes of the estate.

“Do you expect we’ll spend some time with your sisters?”

His expression told her that his mind was occupied elsewhere. “I suppose. I hadn’t really thought about that. I figured we’d use the week to focus on the two of us.”