
Evelyn awoke in a daze. Her throat was sore and her lips were dry. As memories of the previous day came crashing back, a heavy ache settled over her chest. Moving quickly, she climbed out of bed and used the bathroom. She was still in her clothes from the night before.

Uncaring of her appearance, she went to find Lucian. As she left the bedroom she heard his voice speaking quietly.

“No, not an efficiency. I want a fully furnished studio or condo. There has to be a doorman. I want her to feel safe there . . .”

Evelyn’s heart plummeted to her feet. Was he kicking her out?

“I also want to make sure there is an account set up in her name for emergencies and any incidentals. I won’t be able to keep in contact with her and I need to know I haven’t forgotten anything.”

She was going to be sick. Unable to listen to anymore, she turned back to the bedroom and quietly shut the door. Heading straight to the shower, she turned on all four showerheads. She didn’t want him to hear her crying. This was her fault and she always knew what they had couldn’t last forever. He had been quite specific when they first agreed to their arrangement. No lying. No going back to that section of the city.

After a long shower, her nose was clear, but her head seemed stuffed with cotton. She took her time brushing out her hair. Unsure of what the day would bring, she dressed in sneakers, jeans, a light shirt, and her warmest sweater. The sweater was a heavy black cable-knit Lucian had given her last Christmas when they went to a tree farm. That would keep her warm if she ended up back on the streets.

Taking a deep breath, she opened the door and went to face the music.

Lucian was off the phone and reading over papers at his desk. He was fully dressed in a suit and his hair was dry. He must have woken up very early.

“There’s breakfast for you there.”

Silently, Evelyn turned and saw a covered dish awaiting her at the small bistro table. She had never been so frightened to speak. Terrified if she uttered one word her world would come tumbling down. Sitting at the table, she poured a cup of coffee from the insulated carafe and lifted the pewter cover from the dish, a box of cereal, a sliced grapefruit, and a muffin, all things that could have been ordered hours ago.

She picked at the muffin, not really having much of an appetite. Her back was stiff and she stared out the window as if she found the tops of buildings fascinating. Giving up on her breakfast, she sipped from her coffee cup.

“Did you have any plans today?”

She started and splashed hot coffee over her fingers. Hissing from the burn, she quickly put down her mug and grabbed the linen napkin.

Lucian was there in an instant. “Jesus, Evelyn, did you burn yourself?”

She was shaking terribly and couldn’t meet his eyes. “It’s fine,” she said, brushing away his touch.

“Here, let me.” He pushed her hands away and examined the red mark on the soft part of her hand between her index finger and thumb. He brought her hand to his mouth and placed a kiss there. Her eyes immediately welled up with tears.

“There, all better.”

His stare drilled into her. She shut her eyes, afraid to meet his penetrating gaze.

“Evelyn, look at me.”

“I don’t want to.”


Her lashes fluttered open and she slowly lifted her face.

“Aw, baby, don’t cry.”

She couldn’t help it. A tear slid past her lashes and down her cheek. “I’m sorry.”

“I know,” he whispered, wiping away the tracks.

“Are you throwing me out?”

“What?” His voice was a rasp, his surprise at her question apparent. “God, love, no, I’m not throwing you out. Why would you even think that?”

She didn’t have the courage to tell him what she overheard when he was on the phone that morning. Shaking her head she said, “Because I wasn’t honest with you and I went back to Lower Folsom.”

“But now everything’s out in the open, right?”

She nodded.

“Then let’s put it behind us. Our time’s too precious to waste arguing. Promise me you won’t do anything like that again.”

“I promise.”

He tipped her chin up and gently kissed her lips. More tears fell as she pressed her lips to his, needing him desperately in that moment. His arms wound around her and she was lifted out of the chair. Lucian dropped to his knees, taking them both to the floor.

“Why do you have so many clothes on?” he asked as he stripped the bulky sweater off of her. “Were you expecting a blizzard?”

“I didn’t know what to expect,” she admitted as he got her down to her jeans and bra.

He stilled. “Evelyn,” he said slowly. “You know I would never just throw you out. Tell me you know that.”