Page 116 of Sugar

I sensed his desire, felt the evidence of his attraction, and saw deep satisfaction in his eyes. I did that. I filled him with all of those things, and he did the same for me.

My emotions spun like a flurry of feathers inside, tickling and teasing as so many obstacles disappeared. It was as if the stars had aligned just for us. I couldn’t recall ever feeling this … happy.


He kissed my neck and tugged open my robe. “Hmm?”

“I love you.”

He lifted his head and stared down at me, a smile tempting his beautiful lips. “You do?”

I nodded slowly. No one ever made me feel as significant or safe as he did. No one else had ever been able to overlook my past with an eye on the future. And no one had ever turned me on the way he did. “I do.”

“I love you, too, Avery.”

I knew that as well, because Noah wasn’t complicated. He was straightforward and honest, and daring, and everything I never knew I wanted, but I needed him as much as my next breath.

“Will you make love to me now?”

His eyes dilated as he stripped off his clothes, never once breaking our stare. His fingers caressed as if touching me for the first time, worshipping me, loving me. Every kiss lasted a hundred years, an imprint on our souls that would connect us always.

Nothing was rushed. When I touched him, his fingers curled around mine, holding, guiding, and together we breathed, sharing the same air as much as we shared the pleasure.

When he filled me, our gazes held, locked in promises and implication. He trembled, as did I. And though we’d been together many times before, this was the first time I’d ever felt anything like this.

Every stroke of his body left a tattoo on my soul. When his chest pressed to mine, his arms cradling me tight, I could feel our hearts beating as one. The soft kisses and whispered words of love added to the intensity. I felt every shiver, every shift, and every hitched breath of pleasure. I felt his love.

It didn’t matter who took the lead or assumed control. Neither of us had any authority over the feelings we shared. Love was the driving force that pulled us together and the reason why being apart ripped us to shreds.

I’d probably always get a thrill out of dominating a strong man, but from here on I’d only want one man. Because as much as I loved control, I loved Noah a million times more. I needed him, and he needed me. It was the safest feeling I’d ever known. Scary and exciting, but dependable. The moment we pushed the obstacles out of our way, the path was clear. He’d be there for me—always—if I let him in.

“I’ll never keep you out again, Noah.”

“Damn right, you won’t.” His lips nuzzled my throat. “I intend to know everything about you, Avery. No more boundaries, no more secrets.”

“It’s not all pretty.”

“That’s where you’re wrong. Everything you are and everything you’ve ever been makes you the beautiful Avery you’ve become. You might be less sugar than spice, and you might not always be nice, but you’re real, and I’m only interested in the real you. That’s all you ever need to be for me. Understand?”

I just needed to be myself. “I understand.”

“Good girl.”

He seamlessly took the reins, but I didn’t panic. He knew what I needed and would eventually hand them back. A relationship was about give and take. It was about taking turns. It was about being there for each other, in any way necessary.

He’d get me at my best and sometimes my worst, but I believed he’d love all of me, without conditions and without cost. And I intended to love him the same—passionately, completely. So long as he continued to need me, I intended to be there—loving him.



Bobby Helms belted out Jingle Bell Rock as I held the front door for our neighbors. They stomped their feet on the mat and shook the flurries off their coats as they hung them on the overflowing coat tree in the foyer.

“That’s great!” Keith laughed, pointing to my sweater that had Santa dancing in a thong. “Where’s Avery?” He handed me a bottle of spiced rum.

“She’s around here somewhere.” I pressed a kiss to his wife’s cheek. “Merry Christmas, Katie.”

“Merry Christmas, Noah. Is Laurel here?”

“She’s around somewhere.” I shut the door and took the rum to the bar where Avery had made a huge bowl of eggnog. “There you are.”

I placed the rum with the others and stole a quick squeeze of her ass. I loved when she wore those leggings that showed off every curve. These ones happened to have candy canes all over them to go with her hideous holiday sweater.

“Keith and Katie are here.”