Page 16 of Foster Dad

Once again I barely remembered to pull out of her unprotected pussy but this time she was the one who turned around quickly, offering up her face and tits for my seed.

I sprayed her with cum, more cum than had ever come out of me at once and when I was done watching her stick out her tongue for me to cum on I was done.

I pulled her into my chest roughly and covered her mouth with mine as my arms tightened around her like bands.

She moaned into my mouth and rubbed herself against me like her pussy was still hungry and I had to soothe her with my hands to get her to calm down.



In the morning I was the first to awaken. There was dried cum all over both of us, especially in her hair and I remembered the times I turned to her in the night because I couldn’t help myself.

She’d opened her arms and her legs to me each and every time, taking me no matter how I wanted her.

Coming on to the end I’d been rough with her, because instead of waning, my lust for her only seemed to grow after each fuck.

I took one last look at her before leaving her asleep in her bed, still tousled and worn from my fucking. I’d had her too many times to count and no doubt she was going to be sore as hell.

I kinda liked the idea of her soreness from my cock, a reminder throughout the day of what we’ shared in the night.

I made my way down the hallway to my own suite of rooms, still not sure what had happened the night before.

My last look of her in her bed had been of my innocent little angel, her long beautiful hair spread out on the pillow.

Her perfect honey gold skin with the beauty mole on her hip that I’d never seen before, and her tits.

Shit I knew she had large tits for such a tiny thing but I never knew they were so perfect. She goes into the pool in shorts and a tee shirt over her swimsuit so I’ve never had the privilege.

But now that I’d seen them, touched them; tasted them. There was no way I could go back to not knowing. It didn’t take the guilt long to kick in on the heels of that thought and I buried my head under the spray of water in the shower.

I was ashamed and embarrassed after my shower, so I got dressed and left hurriedly. By the time she wakes up I would be long gone. Coward.

I worried about her all day and picked up the phone to call her but always changed my mind. I told myself I was giving her time to think and come to terms with what I’d done to her and then later once I got home we could talk and maybe things could go back to normal.

I’d forgotten all about Ashley until she called, but I put her off as well. I didn’t feel like I’d cheated on her because though we’d been seeing each other for a while, I’d made it clear in the beginning that we weren’t exclusive.

That’s why I could never understand why she thought she could tell me anything when it came to my Dakota.

I’d thought in the beginning that it was just a female concern for a younger female, something Natalia would’ve done.

Natalia, had I betrayed her by taking Dakota to my bed? Not the act of fucking another woman no, but the fact that it was Dakota. She was so young, so beautiful, so fucking hot.

How had I not known that she had that in her? The girl never showed so much as an interest in sex and had I not seen her blood on my cock I would’ve sworn she was as experienced as I am.

There was something inside her that was alive and I wondered what would become of it, her, if I put an end to what we’d started last night.

How could that much passion once unleashed be contained? My gut hurt and twisted itself in knots at the thought of someone else finding that passion in her. I’d kill her first!



When I got home later that evening she was nowhere around and my heart lurched for the barest of seconds when I thought she might’ve left me.

I hurried up the stairs and down the hallway and only breathed easy when I heard soft music coming from behind her door.

I knocked softly before pushing it open. She was lying on her tummy on the bed with her legs swinging back and forth behind her. She had her books spread out before her and a pen in her mouth as she studied.

“Hi daddy.” She turned those orbs on me that now seemed to constantly hold that light of pure lust.