Her argument came to a grinding halt when he reached out and snagged her hand, pulling her bodily between his thighs with a force she was well acquainted with. “What, exactly, do you think is going on here . . . between you and me?” he asked, his eyes dropping to her cleavage for the count of two heartbeats before lifting and impaling her with his gaze.

Heat traced down her spine and she licked her lips. “I don’t—”

“Right,” he cut her off again. “What do you think it means when we say we don’t touch anyone else? That was our agreement—we’re only sleeping with each other.”

A delicious shiver of heat slammed her, making speech impossible.

His hand fell to her hip and he began caressing her. “I can’t stay in Florida indefinitely. I think you’ve already figured that out.” His hand slid down and cupped her butt, down so low that she felt his fingers pressing between her thighs. “Don’t for a second think I’m going to simply abandon this thing with you—I’m not giving this up until I’m damn good and ready. And that time isn’t remotely close. So get me when I say that whether you enjoy traveling or not, you’re going to have to accept it as part of your immediate future. And for that to happen, you need someone who can run this place when you’re not here, understand?”

“I—” she swallowed, a wave of desire rushing over her as his fingers began kneading her as if it were his due.

His hands landed on her hips again as he came off the desk with a surge of power. In the blink of an eye, he lifted her, turned, and Maria suddenly found her butt on the desk as he pushed between her spread thighs. He lifted her skirt to her waist, and before she could get her brain cells to function, she found her panties discarded, lying in a heap on the carpet.

As she tried to breathe evenly, he made quick work of the enclosure of his pants, and within seconds, he was gripping her thighs, ready to push inside.

Ready to push inside, without a condom.

Her heart racing, she balanced on one elbow as she snaked her hand down to cover her mound, the only protection from him she could find in that second. “Garrett—”

He rasped a low warning in his throat.

She didn’t move her hand. “Protection,” she got out, the only word she could manage.

His eyes bored into hers like heated missiles. “Are you on birth control?”

She worked her bottom lip, suddenly aware she was getting in spectacularly deep. “Yes.”

His hand sank into her scalp, his gaze holding hers captured. “I’m clean.”

She took a deep breath. “Me, too.”

His eyes blazed as his mouth firmed into severe lines. “Move your hand,” he demanded between clenched teeth.

A river of trepidation bled down her spine as her hand quivered over her mound. She was going to get hurt if she wasn’t careful.

He showed no signs of patience, his earlier display of gentleness nowhere to be seen. “Move your hand and understand—it’s mine.” His voice was firm, final, resolute.

She hesitated another second and his eyes hardened into icy slits of warning. Butterflies went wild in her stomach, and with her thighs trembling, she slowly moved her hand away. Finding his shirtsleeve, she clutched at his bicep for stability.

He took immediate advantage; he pushed her thighs farther apart and with his hands on her hips, pulled her to the very edge of the desk. He held his erection with one hand and maneuvered it to her opening, the fingers of his other hand sinking into her scalp and lifting her face to his.

She hung within the circle of his body, her breathing unsteady as his eyes lit with a primitive hunger. His nostrils flared as she felt the head of his cock push inside. His features were set, his brown eyes sharp as he hovered at the precipice. Her heart beat wildly and she watched him, enthralled by the smoldering depths of his eyes.

His gaze focused relentlessly on hers, he slammed inside with one hard, smooth thrust of his hips. Sensation rippled in waves as she exhaled a shallow pant.

His hand tightened on her scalp, color tinting his cheekbones. His jaw tensed as he held himself there, stretching her, as his lips twisted in an almost cruel line. “I get that you’re independent and strong-willed when it comes to your career—and I’m fine with that if it makes you happy. But trust me when I say that when it comes to everything else—” he pushed so hard against her that her breath caught before he continued, “—I’m in charge. You’ll learn to like it, but for now, it’s enough that you accept it.” He took another stroke and advised darkly, “Don’t argue with me for argument’s sake . . . don’t think you can twist me around your little finger and control me because I want your pussy more than I want to breathe . . .don’t give anyone the impression that you don’t fully belong to me, not if you don’t want to see me come unhinged.”