A flaming ball of emotional crap landed just below her breastbone. She wanted what he was describing, in all its fucked-up glory. She could sense how awesome he’d be in bed, as a dominant lover. Even now, she was a hair’s breadth away from climaxing. But the possessive, caveman antics were giving her blaring red lights. But Christ, maybe she could just agree with him now and worry about it later? That was messed-up, she knew it was. But she needed to come. And really, at the moment, there wasn’t anyone else she wanted to be with, so she wouldn’t be lying to him. It would just be short-term. Yeah, that was it. Short-term. With that compromise easing her conscience, she said softly, “Okay.”

“Okay, what?” he insisted.

“Okay, I agree.”

“Say it.”

“Nobody—” Why was this situation so difficult?

“Nobody touches you—say it.”

Instead of saying it, she found herself asking her own question. “And nobody touches you either, right?”

His answer came immediately, almost as if he were outraged at the mere suggestion. “Hell, no. Fuck, no, nobody. Nobody but you.”

His ready agreement ratcheted up her heat by another degree and she took a shuddering breath. With his guarantee, she was more able to give him the concession he wanted. “Okay. Nobody touches me.”

The second her words were spoken, he withdrew and then sank back inside. His hands gripped her tightly as his mouth fell to hers. He began long, even strokes, moving in and out, his tongue swirling around hers and Maria found it hard to keep breathing. He was amazing. Christ, he was awesome. It felt so good. She wriggled her pelvis against him as with a slow, relentless stroke, he plunged with continuous, mind-scorching thrusts. It was there, she could feel it and her hands lifted to wrap around his face. Tilting her head for a more perfect fit, she kissed him back. Long, soul-destroying kisses that she’d never known could exist. She rocked against him, knowing she was close.

His body began shaking, his muscles hardening, and his strokes became harder, firmer, pushing against her in just the right spot.

Maria flew over the edge with a rush of heat and a moan coming from her lips. Lights exploded in her brain as she pushed against him, milking her orgasm for all it was worth. He stiffened against her, seemed to grow larger within her, and then he let out a loud, deep groan as he pushed up inside her to another degree. He held it there, and the vibrations of his body against hers were spectacular, prolonging her orgasm. With his groan loud in her ear, her breathing began slowing, and her heart almost shattered when she realized that he’d just spoiled sex for her for the rest of her life.

It would never be like that again, unless it was with him. She knew that, indelibly.


Garrett leaned his head against Maria’s forehead and took forcible intakes of oxygen. Still buried deep inside of her, the fingers of one hand clenched around her butt cheek while he slowly released her scalp with the other, letting his hand slide down and sink around her ass. Hoisting her up, refusing to release her, he turned and spun around, dropping her to the bed and then coming down on top of her.

He knew he had to withdraw from her in a moment, not because his cock was softening, because it wasn’t, but because he couldn’t start pounding into her again with the soiled condom between them. Although he had no way of knowing if she was on some manner of birth control, if she wasn’t, somehow he knew she’d get really pissed off if he fucked up and got her pregnant.


Why in the hell would the thought of Maria pregnant make his cock swell up and take notice? That was completely fucked-up; he needed to clear his head; he wasn’t thinking properly—she had him completely unbalanced. But he couldn’t think now, he was still in the realm of only feeling. And Christ, she felt good. Exactly as he’d expected, exactly what his fantasies had already anticipated.

Christ. It had finally happened. He’d finally nailed the woman behind the voice. Jesus, but it had taken long enough. He’d never waited for anyone, ever, that long before in his life. But he knew if he had to do it again, he would.

She was that spectacular.

Forcing his addled brain to regroup, he kissed her on the forehead and slowly began to withdraw from her. She was tight, so tight that a moment ago, he’d almost lost it too soon, and now, his withdrawal was more difficult than his entry had been.

She winced and he attempted to make a soothing sound, putting his hand to his cock and holding the condom in place. He was trying even now to protect her, the difficulty of his withdrawal telling him that he was holding a loaded gun in his hand. She let out another gasp and the knowledge that he was hurting her almost made him come unglued. “Shhh, baby. Be still, just a sec, okay?”