Holding her under her bottom with one hand, his other sank into her hair, his fingers threading all the way into her scalp to hold her captured tightly. “I said I’m looking at you and I’m having you.” Staring at her and gritting his teeth, he withdrew before pumping back inside so forcefully that her body began sinking with delight even as her mind remained clouded in anger.

“You understand Spanish,” she accused tightly.

“Yeah,” he bit out as if it were nothing.

Her head began swimming under the knowledge, while she tried to think of everything she might have said in front of him that she hadn’t realized he understood. Shit. “You lied to me.”

His eyes narrowed at the accusation as his hands gripped tighter. “I never lied to you.”

“That’s crap. A lie by omission is still a lie.”

“I don’t think so, and I’m not having this conversation. I speak Spanish, big fucking deal.”

Her hands pressed against his chest even as she itched for relief. “I don’t have room in my life for a liar, Garrett.”

“I’m not a liar—just because I saw an opportunity to withhold information doesn’t in any way make me a goddamned liar,” he disputed. “You’re just pissed because I’ve won.”

“You haven’t won anything.”

“No?” With that taunting word standing between them while they stared at each other like two opponents on a field of combat, he pulled back out and then stroked back inside with a degree of heat that had the oxygen snagging in her lungs.

“See, baby?” he asked, as he took another stroke.

Somewhere in her lust-addled brain, Maria knew she was supposed to be hanging onto her anger. But the relentless thrusts of his body holding her pinned to the wall weren’t leaving room for anything more than the dangerous sizzle of raw sexual satisfaction her body was demanding.

His next stroke hit a magic place inside, and a thousand erotic lights began dancing in her head as passion clawed its way up and took over her entire body, leaving little room for anything else.

Leaning down, he nipped her lip with his teeth once more before focusing on her again. His mouth opened and he uttered a menacing warning. “This isn’t a goddamn contest, but trust me, if it were, I’d be the winner. You shouldn’t have said what you did to that asshole, and his fucking arm shouldn’t have been around you.”

At his arrogant words, despite the arousal holding her in its grip, she let out a small, negative sound of refutation.

“Oh, goddamn,” he bit out, undoubtedly understanding she wasn’t giving up. “Let’s go over this one more fucking time.” His fingers fisted her hair more tightly just as he took another hard, deep thrust, bottoming out and staying inside her. “Nobody touches you, got that?”

His gaze pierced hers and she stared back, panting. She was literally dying for him to continue thrusting, his body moving inside of hers felt like heaven on earth but his intractable demand was sending warning bells down her spine and she felt the need to fight back, at least verbally. “You don’t own me.”

“No?” He took a stroke and slammed back inside, making her head spin. “Whose dick’s buried inside your pussy right now?”

The primal words shocked her and radiated down her spine as tendrils of heat exploded deep inside, where they were joined.

His fingers clenched into her butt cheek. “Answer me. Whose. Dick. Is. Buried. Inside. Your. Pussy?”

Dear God, Shit. Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ, Jesus Christ. “Y-yours,” she stammered.

“That’s right. And that’s the way it’s going to be from now on. So be a good little girl and agree to what I’m telling you. Nobody fucking touches you.”

Maria swallowed, wanting nothing more than to agree just so he’d let her climax; the memory of the last orgasm he’d given her was tempting her to allow him whatever he wanted. But the incendiary heat in his eyes, the territorial flaring of his nostrils were sending a quiver of unease to land like a lead ball in her stomach. It wasn’t as if she wanted to sleep with anyone else, that wasn’t it. It was the control over her that he was demanding that was panicking her. She licked her lips and tried to form the words that he wanted. “I—”

When she stalled, he leaned down, kissing her quickly as he pushed with his hips. “Just agree with me baby and I’ll take you straight to heaven.”

The truth came tumbling from her lips. “I’m nervous—scared.”

A harsh frown came between his eyebrows, but then his features suddenly softened a bit. His forehead came down and pressed against hers and the hand in her hair became caressing. “Sweetheart, nothing bad is going to happen here. You’re safe with me. I’m not going to let you come to any grief. But you have to understand that this is the way it’s going to be. I want to fuck you—I’m going to want to fuck you over and over again, and part of that means that nobody else gets to touch you.” He took a breath. “Now say it.”