His gaze became even more pointed and his jaw flexed in pure, unadulterated anger. "Wrong fucking answer." With that, his strong arms hauled her away from the wall and over to the bed. She began to yank on her hand and dig her heels in as he backed down on the bed to sit. It was useless, he was too strong, and as he pulled her down and over his thighs in the classic pose of a spanking about to happen, Courtney began to struggle in earnest.

"Let. Go," she enunciated loudly and clearly, thrashing her head as she pushed her legs, trying to get away. It was impossible. Nick laid one brawny arm across the back of her thighs to hold her in place.

"You're never going to drive that fast again, understand me?" he pushed out in a pissed, labored tone.

Courtney couldn't move her legs at all, and panic began to set in as she tried to swivel her body toward his to get her butt away from his line of fire, but his grip was too strong. "I want a divorce!" In an effort to get him to stop what he was about to do, she repeatedly drummed one arm on his leg until she realized that it was futile and that she was only bruising herself. When she felt him drag her satin tap shorts down and scrunch them around her thighs, exposing her naked butt, she went wild. "Stop it! Goddammit, Nick, stop it!"

"You're not getting a goddamn divorce," he yelled back as his hand came down in a single slap but then stayed there, grabbing her butt cheek and squeezing.

She hit his leg again, trying to get him to stop. "Let me up. Don't you dare."

His fingers continued to clench around her buttock in a threatening way. "Are you going to stop driving like a wild woman?" he bellowed. "And baby, you better answer correctly this time, you get me?" With that, his hands quickly peeled her shorts completely off and tossed them aside, not letting her up, controlling her movements the entire time.

When she remained furiously silent, he lifted her until she was forced to straddle him, their torsos banging together, and she took the opportunity to pound him on the back. "You cannot hit me!"

"I didn't hit you," he denied, baring his teeth. "I tapped you on the ass. One time."

"Well you can't tap me on the ass." When he only stared at her, she hit him again, this time on the shoulder. "Understand me, asshole?"

He ignored her swipes as if they were nothing more than a pesky fly landing on him. "You can't drive like that. You'll kill yourself or somebody else. I'll do whatever it takes to make sure that doesn't happen. And don't call me an asshole."

"Well threatening me with a spanking me isn't an option. You think I'm going to stay in a marriage where you manhandle me against my will? Fuck that! You better think of another way to get your message across."

At her words, obviously taking them as a challenge, he flipped her over until she was lying on her back and he was looming over her in a sexually threatening position, with his expression showing little to no remorse. "We can move to option two. I can subdue you this way, and trust me, there's nothing I'd love more." He stared into her eyes, his gaze running over her hair and face and down her torso to land where her naked thighs came together. His features pulled into a frown and then finally, as he began to breathe more steadily, he rasped, "I know I didn't hurt you."

"Yes, you did!" He hadn't, not really, but she was still infuriated.

Any remaining gentleness left his face. "You've been hurting me, too." Suddenly floored by the pain she saw etched on his features, she wasn't ready for it when his mouth fell to hers.

His kiss was strong, fierce, annihilating. His tongue thrust possessively and he began taking from her mouth, stroking in and out as if he couldn't get enough. His scent went to her head; it was a powerful aphrodisiac that never failed to entice her. As his kiss continued, against her will, Courtney began to melt in his arms.

He lifted up just long enough to peel his shirt and her camisole off. She was completely naked now, and he held her pinned to the bed, one hand going to her breast. His fingers were like magic against her nipple, kneading her there, and Courtney lost all thought and reason.

He lifted his head and growled, "You can't drive that recklessly. I'll die if anything happens to you, understand?"


"I'll die if I don't have you. It's that fucking simple," he exhaled on a pant as he lifted away and shoved his jeans and underwear down and off.