He keyed in a reply, even though it was nowhere near what he really wanted to say. Be careful and let me know when you land safely.

Her answer came swiftly. k.

Nick stared at the single letter. K? k? That was it? What the fuck? Where was his 'I love you'? And why the hell couldn't he key the words in and tell her first?

Jesus Christ, this was going to be even more difficult than he'd thought.

Chapter Nine

Nick knew exactly when Courtney would be back and he had everything planned out perfectly. The weeks she'd been gone had been hell and right now, if she wouldn't wear his ring, then he had one mission in mind: seducing her into consummating their marriage vows. His cock hardened as he thought back to their last time together. Seduction had worked before, it had to work again.

He couldn't stand it any longer. Their marriage had to be consummated.

When the elevator opened into the penthouse and Courtney walked through the door, Nick felt the atmosphere ignite. He'd been sitting on the sofa like a caged tiger, deliberately barefoot and wearing only jeans, listening to the droning sound of the television while watching the door for her arrival.

As she entered the room, she glanced at him, her eyes taking in his bare chest, before quickly looking away again. "Hey," she mumbled.

Feeling tension so strong it was about to snap, Nick stood to his feet and walked over to her, collecting her suitcase and taking it straight through to his suite of rooms.


"Yeah?" he asked with a hint of challenge, knowing she was trailing slowing behind him. Moving just inside the room, he dropped the case inside his door and turning, he grabbed her hand and pulled her in with him, pinning her up against the wall.


Courtney tried to breathe evenly and remain in control, but it was impossible when Nick was her competition.

He was physically stronger than she was, possibly smarter than she was, he was definitely more skilled at this cat and mouse game they seemed to be playing. As he held her pinned to the wall, the weeks of separation they'd suffered through didn't help the situation. She wanted him. She needed him. She was still utterly confused, but there was one thing she wasn't confused about. She wanted him as badly as he wanted her. She always would.

His hands released her from their hold, but only to strip the clothes from her body with rough, agitated movements. Panting softly, she let him have his way because it was what she wanted too. When she was completely naked, his mouth reached down for hers and his hand landed on her breast with complete possession. Kissing her with a ruthless intent that she never tried to fight, his hands ran up and down her naked body. His masculinity was an addiction she couldn't fight; she began to sink under his spell.

His hand slid from her breast but his mouth stayed on hers, and she barely had enough sense to realize that he was shoving his jeans down and off. He came back to her, spreading her legs, but then suddenly changed direction and picked her up, carried her to his bed and dropped her to the center. Following her down, he pushed between her thighs. Her hands slid over his torso, feeling his washboard abs. Anticipation slithered down her spine and she felt damp heat pool between her thighs.

His touch was intoxicating, an enticing compulsion she knew she'd never learn to overcome, no matter what happened between them. She pushed every unnecessary thought from her mind as she kissed him back. Her hand slid down and found his erection, harder and stronger than she'd ever known it to be. Was that just her imagination?

He lifted his mouth away and she opened her eyes to find him looking at her with unapologetic, masculine demand. His legs forced hers wider. "I want inside you. Right now, right this instant, my gorgeous little wife."

Courtney sucked in a breath and froze underneath him. It was 'my wife' that did it. Damn it, why the reminder now? She couldn't be his wife, could she? "Nick . . . I . . . I'm not your wife," she whispered.

"What?" He made a grab at her hands and pulled them over her head. Holding them with one of his, he reached down and brought the head of his erection to her wet opening.

He held still there, and at her silence, he demanded, "Explain that."

God, he felt so good. Fighting herself was so much harder than fighting him. "I think we should get it annulled--"

He let out a bitter laugh. "You're asking me to stop again? I'm not buying it this time." With the tip of his penis exactly where it was supposed to go, he reached down and began stroking her clit. "I guess you don't want me to do this either, right?"