Thanking whatever deity that might be listening to him, he lifted his hips and pushed in a short, firm stroke that only allowed him to sink another inch inside her. His guts clenched with violent need; he was at that incredible, tight threshold at the point where her body needed to give. He groaned and pulled back before pushing in again.

Her breath caught again and her fingers sank into his skin in warning.

She was tight, tighter than even he'd expected when he fantasized about her and the knowledge of that was sending a throbbing, primal beat through his system. He wanted to slam into her so badly he could taste it, but he knew he couldn't. She held herself too still, almost holding her breath, as if expecting to be hurt at any moment, and her fear wasn't sitting well with him. He redoubled his efforts and continued to play with her clit while he attempted to seduce her with words. That the words he spoke were the complete truth didn't escape him. "I've never felt anything half as good as you feel. I knew it would be good the first time I saw you." He slid over and kissed her on the lips and then rose up enough to see her face. Her eyes were closed with a look of concentration on her features. "You're so pretty, baby. You feel so good."

Through a haze of lust, he watched the expression on her face turn to mesmerized, as she lay perfectly still and listened to him. "You're doing so well, sweetheart, being so still, just like I told you to. You're a good girl, aren't you?" Unable to help himself, a barrage of emotions slamming through him, with savage possession he leaned down and softly bit her lip. She cried out, and at the same time, he felt another wave of moisture that allowed him to sink deeper inside.

Chapter Six

Damian groaned at the same time that Angie moaned, and he lifted and began stroking, pushing in a bit at a time until he was fully seated within her. Satisfaction and arousal blazing down his spinal cord, he rose up on his hands, his elbows locked in place as he studied her.

Her eyes were closed and he felt a need so strong he couldn't contain it. "Angie. Open your eyes."

She stalled for the count of two seconds, but then her eyes flew open and she looked up at him. "It's in," he announced with a triumph he couldn't hold back. "And it feels good. Fucking perfect." He slid out and took another stroke and her eyes began to slip closed.

"No," he grunted. Her eyes opened and she watched him though heavy lids. "Am I hurting you?" Without waiting for an answer, he continued with some satisfaction, "I know I'm not."

She shook her head.

Holding himself up with one arm, he slid his hand back to her clit and massaged her there, the fullness of his cock inside of her, so close to where he touched her intimately, adding another dimension to his need. "You want to come again?"

Her eyes flared but she remained quiet, and he said, "I think you want to come again."

Shaking her head, she whispered, "I don't think I can."


She visibly swallowed, and shook her head again.

She might have doubts, but Damian had none as he felt her sweet, slick wetness surround him. He began taking firm, short strokes, and with every inward thrust, he hit that place deep inside of her that he knew would drive her crazy. Within seconds, she was moaning in the back of her throat. Within a minute her eyes closed and so did his.

The fury of sexual heat consuming them both, he let his instinctive reflexes take over. He stroked her hard and deep, taking what he needed, what he felt like he had to have to keep breathing. With a last, hard, merciless pump, he thrust them both into a world of sublime pleasure. She let out a high, feminine shriek, and holding himself tightly inside her, milking the spasms of release, he followed her over the edge into a pleasure so profound, he felt stunned.

In the aftermath he tried to clear his head, but thinking was impossible. He slid to the side, withdrawing from her as gently as he could manage, allowing her to breathe deeply. He was pulling in oxygen as if he'd just run ten miles, and before he could check the inclination, he swept her up in his arms and held her clamped to his side with one arm around her waist as he lay on his back.

A feeling of possession swamped him, one he immediately tried to tamp down. A dark, dormant emotion from deep in his soul abruptly reared its head and he felt aggression rise in his blood. Just the simple act of pulling out of her was causing conflict in his brain; he struggled against a compulsion to not let her go.