“People make mistakes. But I know that Derrick is sorry for what he’s done. He’s honest about his shortcomings, humble. And I appreciate that about him.”

Love shook her head, rolling her eyes at that ass-backward reasoning her father had thrown out. It pissed her off that the man who’d been larger than life to her at one point couldn’t admit the real reason he was so against her marriage.

“Daddy, I wish you could see Drake the way I do.” He opened his mouth to speak, but she forged ahead. “And I wish you’d stop making him like you, when that couldn’t be further from reality. Yes, you hurt Mom. But that doesn’t mean Drake will make the same choices. The fact that you expect my husband will treat me the way you treated my mother pisses me off. It not only insults my intelligence, but it hurts that you assume I’m not good enough to keep a man like Drake happy.”

“Love, baby girl, that’s not why—”

She nodded, praying the tears wouldn’t fall. “It is, and it hurts. So, no, I won’t take Derrick back. I’m married to Drake, and until you can respect that, we don’t have anything else to say to one another.”

Love stomped out of the office once again. She waited until she was on the other side of the closed door before she sagged against it, finally allowing the tears to fall. The only person breaking her heart at that moment was her father. She pulled her phone out of her pocket, tempted to call Drake. He was her safe place, after all.

Her phone rang before she could dial, though. Staring at the screen, at the familiar number, she decided to answer. “I’m glad you called. I need to see you.”

* * *

Lunch at the hospital offered a wide variety of choices for a starving Love. She’d decided to go with something fattening after the argument she’d had with her father. With a plate of cheese fries and a juicy double cheeseburger, she headed toward the far right of the huge cafeteria, waving at a few friends on the way.

As she approached the table where he sat, Derrick was typing furiously on his phone. They’d eaten lunch at that table many times over the course of their relationship.

He smiled when he saw her, standing to greet her. Derrick placed a chaste kiss on her cheek and waited until she was settled before taking his seat again.

Eyeing her food, he chuckled. “Bad day?”

Love popped a fry in her mouth, moaning at the cheesy goodness. “You don’t want to know the day I’ve had, Derrick.”

“Try me.”


He nodded, seemingly understanding without a wordy explanation. “Another argument, huh?” He snatched a fry from her plate.

She shot him a sideways glance. “Can you say understatement?”

“Love, I’m sorry.”

Her eyes flashed to his dark ones. “What are you sorry for?”

Derrick lifted his hands, then let them fall. “For hurting you, and then waltzing back into your life like you owed me something.”

Love sat back, watching him as he explained that her father had tried to convince him to stick around and help drive a wedge between her and Drake. She was livid, had half a mind to send her father a “breakup” text, disowning him. He’d enlisted her ex to destroy her marriage. What nerve!

Derrick reached out, placed a hand on top of hers. “It’s no secret that I don’t care for Drake, but I respect your decision. I told your father that, as well.”

Surprised, Love smiled, glad that she hadn’t been completely wrong about Derrick. “Thank you.”

“For what it’s worth, I hope Drake can make you happy.”

She flipped her hand over and squeezed his. “I know it’s hard for you to say that, but I appreciate it. I wanted to see you because I felt like I had to be honest with you.”

“I’m listening.”

“Even if there was no Drake, I couldn’t be with you.” She felt his hand go slack in hers. “It’s not to say I don’t care for you, because I do, even after everything that’s happened between us.”

Love had a light-bulb moment as she sat across from the man she’d thought she’d spend the rest of her life with. As good as they were together, it wasn’t enough for her. And Drake…even if they filed for divorce tomorrow, she’d never be the same. She’d been forever changed by this experience, and she was no longer willing to settle for less when she’d felt what true passion could be.

“I’ve changed,” she admitted softly. “The person I am now is not willing to just accept everything someone gives her. I can admit that I played a huge part in the demise of our relationship, but I can’t be with someone I don’t trust. Long-distance relationships are hard, but I felt like you owed me more. And I just had to tell you that. I think you’re a good man, but I’m not in love with you anymore. I hope you understand.”