He squeezed her hand. “We can do this, right?”

Love didn’t know if they could or not. She only knew that she would work hard to make sure it wouldn’t destroy their friendship. Instead of answering him, she pulled him into a hug. One of his hands swept up her back and rested on the nape of her neck. Prior to yesterday, that would have been a normal Drake thing to do. But in the aftermath of the night before, it was doing all kinds of things to her body.

Her instinct was to pull away, but she couldn’t let herself do it. Not only would pulling away shine a bright light on the way they had changed their relationship with their actions, but she had to admit it felt good to be in his arms. Drake was the only man who made her feel safe. Her father didn’t even have that title. It was only Drake. Regardless of what they did or didn’t do with each other, she needed him like she needed her next breath.

“Yes, we can do this,” she answered finally, holding on to him even tighter.

After an uneventful family dinner, Drake and Love had settled in for cocktails and conversation with her mother and her aunt. The dance was in full swing, and all around them the Nelson clan was mingling and catching up.

Love and Drake had both let out a sigh of relief earlier that Gloria had kept her mouth shut during the organized program, especially when the MC asked if anyone had any announcements. Now, as they sat at a high top table with her mother and her aunt, Love watched Drake interact with various members of her family. They absolutely loved him, and he managed to charm most of the women in the room with his deep dimples, smooth dark skin and beautiful white teeth. He was dressed in a navy suit with an azure-blue shirt that fit him to perfection, and she noted the way random women had responded to him all night.

“You want to go play?” he whispered in her ear.

She choked on the water that she’d just taken a sip of. “What?”

He flashed a knowing grin. “The slots?”

“Oh.” She wiped her mouth with a cocktail napkin. “Nah, not right now.”

Love enjoyed the slots. But if heading to the casino floor was anything like the walk into the banquet hall that evening, she’d pass. Drake was a gentleman, so it was second nature for him to keep his hand against the small of her back as they walked. Since her navy blue, knee-length dress was cut low in the back, every so often the tips of his fingers would brush against her bare skin, stirring her nerve endings. It also didn’t help that he smelled like spice mixed with a burst of citrus.

Absently, she wondered if it would be this way forever, now that she’d been with him. As much as she wanted to act like it never happened, separating the Drake that held her hair up while she hurled in the toilet in college from the Drake that made love to her at her favorite hotel on the Strip was proving to be harder than she thought.

“Drink?” he whispered.

She could smell the cognac on his breath, and fought against an urge to lean in closer to his warmth. Exhaling, she told him no. She’d stick with water. “You don’t have to hang around if you don’t want to.”

“I’m fine.” He finished off his drink. “Your mother did a good job with the dinner.”

“She did.” Love grinned at him over her shoulder.

He beckoned to the waitress and ordered another drink. Then he turned to Love. “You look nice tonight.”

Smiling, she tapped a finger on the table. “You don’t have to say that.”

“I know,” he said simply, with a wicked grin. “I hope they know we didn’t plan to be color coordinated.”

Unable to help herself, she burst out in a fit of laughter. “I know! I can’t believe that happened.”

When his distinctive laugh followed, she pressed a hand to her quivering stomach as relief washed over her. They could still relax and make each other laugh.

The clink of glasses drew their attention toward her mother and the microphone she was holding in her hand.

Oh, no.

“Can I have your attention, please?” Gloria began.

The chatter in the room dimmed to a dull roar. Drake dug his fingers into Love’s knee.

“I am beside myself with glee because my daughter made it to this reunion    . It’s been a while and I’m so happy she’s here.”

Love stood up abruptly, hitting the table with her knee. Oh, God. Rubbing her knee, she called out, “Mom, what are you doing?”

“I want to say to Drake that I love you like a son,” Gloria continued, as if Love hadn’t spoken. “And I’m so happy that you’re a permanent part of my family now. I want everyone to congratulate my daughter and her new husband, Drake, on their marriage.”