He stopped in his tracks, lowering his extended hand and letting out a heavy sigh. “Can we go somewhere?” he asked under his breath.

Clutching the strap of her bag, she considered him for a moment. There was a time when she’d have done anything for Derrick. He was everything she’d thought she’d wanted in a man. They had the same goal of settling down in a suburban area and starting a family. While Drake dreamed of nightlife in the big city, Derrick was satisfied spending evenings at home, each of them working on their laptops next to each other on the couch. They’d been happy together. Well, she was happy. So happy that she’d never batted an eye when he’d announced he had taken an assignment in California for a year. She’d actually encouraged him to go follow his dream. The Harper family owned and operated a medical supply company. He’d spent years proving that he could take over the reins from his father, and it had paid off nicely when he’d stepped into the vice president of supply chain and logistics role, in their Michigan office.

As hurt as she’d been, she could look at him now and still see the amazing man he was. He’d made mistakes—a lot of them—but he wasn’t a bad guy. Never had been. And she wasn’t totally blameless in the downfall of their relationship. She’d promised monthly visits, but had canceled all of them due to some work thing or another. In reality, she’d been content in the long-distance relationship, and not inclined to make visiting him a priority. She’d been distracted with work and her patients. And he’d begged her for time. Eventually, he’d found someone who’d given him the time Love wouldn’t.

It still didn’t make it right that he’d cheated. Or the tactless way he’d ended it with her. The breakup had devastated her, knocked the wind out of her. He’d hurt her beyond words, and forgiveness was a long way off.

“Derrick, I think we’ve said all we have to say at this point. You made your choice. It’s been a year, and you can’t come waltzing back in here with a ring and flowers like you didn’t break my heart.”

The flowers were beautiful, though. The large, colorful arrangement featured a variety of blooms in magenta and orange, including several snapdragons, her favorite. Since they weren’t in season, she figured he’d paid a pretty penny for the bouquet. The fragrance wafted to her nose, and she took the bouquet from him, inhaling the sweet scent. It reminded her of bubble gum. Memories of nights in her mother’s greenhouse assaulted her. She’d spend hours inside, immersing herself in the different smells as she’d studied. It was her peaceful hiding place when her parents were divorcing. Drake had often met her there, held her as she’d cried.

The thought of Drake made her spine stiffen. He’d been so distant lately, and she felt helpless. So much had happened between them, it was hard to figure a way around everything.

“Love, please. Ten minutes. That’s all I’m asking for,” Derrick said.

“I know you want to talk, but it’s not possible,” she told him. No matter what happened with Drake, she had to find a way to send Derrick away.

Sighing, she continued, “You worked with my father to manipulate me. Do you know how much trouble you’ve caused?”

Love hadn’t seen her father since that day in his office. The day she’d defended Drake and their relationship before storming out. She had attempted to mend fences with her dad, but his secretary had informed her that he’d left town for a conference.

“That’s why I wanted to talk to you,” Derrick said. “I was wrong to go to your father. I was upset and jealous. During our relationship, you’d always told me you and Drake were only friends. I never believed that was all it was, but I dealt with it because I loved you and wanted a life with you. Then you married him, Love.”

She glanced around to make sure no one was within earshot. The last thing she needed was to be the subject of the hospital rumor mill. Derrick had seemed skeptical when she’d described her friendship with Drake to him before. The two men had never really gotten along, which made it difficult in the beginning of their relationship. Derrick had told her several times that he thought Drake was in love with her, and she’d refuted his claims fervently.

“It made me rethink so many moments in our relationship,” Derrick continued, shoving his hands into his pockets. “I want to believe that what we had was real, but seeing you with him, watching the closeness between you two, pissed me off. There is a level of understanding and acceptance between you that we never had. Part of me knew that’s why you never really cared enough to visit me in California. You didn’t need my companionship because you already had his. He fulfills that for you. Yes, I handled it all wrong. I hurt you, which was the last thing I ever wanted to do because I care for you so much. But you hurt me, too, Love.”