I promised myself I wouldn’t fall, until a stunning brunette came along and knocked me on my ass. We spent days, months, years playing scenes that used to turn my body molten. She was on my mind, twenty-four seven. Then it happened, she wanted a collar, a ring, and I couldn’t do it.

I just couldn’t find it within myself to even ask her the question—would you be mine forever?

Stupidly, I walked out the door. That was five years ago. Now, at almost forty, I find myself craving a permanent partner in my life. When I think back, I’m thankful I walked away because I grew up in the few years I’ve been single.

I press the bell and wait a few seconds before it whooshes open and I’m met with a familiar face. “Mr. Hale.” The bouncer smirks and offers me a nod before stepping aside, allowing me entrance.

“How are you doing this evening?” I question as I cross the threshold, and my body relaxes as the atmosphere sucks me in.

“Not bad at all. Full house tonight,” he informs with a small salute that makes me chuckle. I’ve known him since I first walked up to the door on my first visit. Temptation has since seen me become a regular.

The moment I step through the foyer and into an expansive room, I’m met with the scent of perfume that heats my blood. Music welcomes me with the sensual voice of Bishop Briggs singing “Never tear us apart”.

The smooth, hardwood floors underfoot are solid, offering me a sense of stability. I head for the bar, which runs along the one wall, and I notice two guys working tonight both already busy with customers ordering drinks.

The dimly lit room offers the allure of sensuality, with couches and chairs in reds and browns adding to the club's ambiance. I spot a few faces I recognize, some in couples, others in groups, but all of them impeccably dressed.

The first place I stop is the bar. One drink is all I allow myself while I check out the room in an attempt to find a partner for the evening. A neat double shot of brandy tastes like honey trickling over my tongue. There are a bevy of beauties all looking for a special man to take them to heaven, and I can’t wait to make my choice. Even as I think it, I know it’s not up to me. The women are in charge; they have control over who they want to submit to for the evening.

“You’re early.” Oliver’s voice has me turning to find him at my side. We shake hands, and he pulls me in for a one-armed hug. He rests his arm on the bar, signaling the barman for a drink. Once he orders his gin, he tips his drink to mine in a cheers. He’s dressed in a black suit and white button-up along with a deep blue tie.

“I’ve needed a scene for a while, glad you called.” I tell him. “How are you?”

“Good,” he tells me before taking a sip of his gin and tonic. “I’ve been busy. Clients have been rolling in on the regular, so I’ve been working overtime for a few months now.”

“And, Chance?”

“He’s good. We’ve been doing well.” There’s a glint in his eye, and I can’t help but feel I want that. They have a close relationship, committed, and yet, they still enjoy their own lives.

I settle in a stool at the bar and sip my drink while allowing my gaze to prowl the tables. Women in every color—red, blue, green, purple—all beautiful dresses that hug their curves. Some short, some long, and some almost illegal.

Brunettes and blondes, blue-haired beauties along with an array of raven-hued locks. But when I turn my attention to the corner table, I’m captured by a redhead. Her long, flowing waves hang to the middle of her back. Smooth, porcelain skin taunts me from where she’s sitting.

Dressed in a simple black dress, she’s smiling at something a friend tells her. Her lips are full, painted a bright red that lures my attention to her mouth. She has the grace and poise of a woman who knows what she wants, but she can’t be more than twenty.

“A beauty,” Oliver speaks beside me, and I turn my attention to him, picking up on his grin. His usual calm demeanor already shifting into the Dominant persona.

“She is.” I agree before I sip my drink.

He smiles as he lifts his tumbler in salute to me, and I clink my glass against his. We’re both watching her when she rises and makes her way to the ladies’ restrooms. Once she’s out of sight, it feels as if the air has shifted, as if it’s missing her.

“What do you think?” Oliver asks me. “Want to see if she’s interested in a scene? I’m happy to go off on my own if you’d rather take her alone.”