Kane. Beautiful Kane in his designer black suit looked calm, cool, and collected as he made his way to the podium here in the conference room of the Porsche Experience Center. This place was so him—sophisticated, sleek, open, and light. The room gave a stunning 360-degree view of the racecourse, where anyone who wanted could take a Porsche for a spin after this morning’s session and the catered lunch. Of course, Kane would be taking advantage of the opportunity. I overheard him tell Jaycie and a few other people how amazing it was. He’d been mostly avoiding me, to the point of staying at his place. Not to say he was ignoring me. He’d been pleasant and greeted me this morning when I’d walked in, even complimenting me on my red dress. Other than that, he’d been rather elusive.

Was this all part of his strategy? Drive me mad thinking about him, wondering where he was all the time and what he was doing. Did he still want me? Did I want him? Judging by the way I was mesmerized by him, I would say that was an easy answer. But nothing was actually easy about this. The board was already starting their process, even though I had two weeks left to hone my plan. I’d had to turn in a résumé and bio to them a couple of days ago. And I knew they were researching my accomplishments. They were contacting former colleagues, professors, and attending physicians I had worked under. They were even reading all the papers I had published in various medical journals, including Johns Hopkins and Stanford. That had to look good, right? So, Kane had been in Forbes and Bloomberg Businessweek. Yes, I knew that was a big deal.

Focus, Scarlett. And not on Kane.

Auggie had thought it would be a good idea if I spoke today as well. It was a last-minute kind of thing. I had a feeling some board members had suggested it. I assumed they wanted to evaluate how well I could publicly perform, seeing as I would be the face of Armstrong Labs. Auggie suggested I speak on a look into the future of plasma therapies, since most people in the company assumed I would be the lab director.

The thing is, public performances aren’t really my thing. Sure, I was no longer the girl who ran away from giving valedictorian speeches, but I was still awkward. I was either dry and stale or I got all giggly. There was no in-between.

Staring at my notes was impossible. Kane was giving a commanding performance. I couldn’t help but give him my attention. Kane stepped out from behind the podium to get closer to the audience, which included me, as I was sitting in the front behind a row of long white tables. I watched him as he made eye contact with everyone he could—except me—drawing them in. It worked like a charm; everyone was glued to him. Coming out from behind that podium was genius; it said, “I’m one of you—we’re a team.”

Kane had come up with the conference theme, the Armstrong Lab Experience, obviously based on the Porsche Experience, and he was playing to that concept. “Porsche was built to compete, win, and stand the test of time, and so is Armstrong Labs. Not only do we have the most sophisticated system to collect plasma safely and effectively, but we are the global biotech leader in research and development. Our innovations, along with our pharmaceutical partners, have created life-saving therapies and will continue to do so well into the future. What makes us so strong is our diversity, not only in people, but in products. Just like the visionaries at Porsche didn’t stop with perfecting the sports car but went on to develop other popular lines of vehicles, Armstrong Labs has continued to be on the leading of edge of . . .”

Kane’s presentation was interrupted, at least for me, by Jaycie, who for some reason, had stayed next to me all day. She leaned toward me and whispered, “Isn’t he amazing?”

I nodded. He truly was. Auggie hadn’t even commanded the audience as well when he had kicked off the conference earlier this morning. In fact, I had never seen anyone captivate an audience the way Kane was.

“I wish he was available.” She wouldn’t be quiet.

Heat rushed to my cheeks in a flash of jealousy. Not that I was surprised Jaycie was angling to be more than his secretary, but there was something about her admitting it to me that made me feel ill.

She didn’t stop there. “I don’t know who he’s seeing, but man, is she lucky.”

“He told you he was seeing someone?” I couldn’t keep myself from asking, even though it was rude to talk while someone was presenting. I had to know if that someone was me or another woman.