While I finished washing the dishes, Kane walked in looking way too good in khaki shorts and a tight white T-shirt with a big grin on his face. “Sorry I’m late; I was prepping for tonight.”
I swallowed hard. I still couldn’t believe I’d agreed to go to the movies with him. The drive-in, no less. I blamed it on the list. Seeing it and holding it in my hands today had overwhelmed me, although it was more that he’d kept it and carried it around all these years. How do you not love a man like that? And how do you resist him? Or should I? That was the question I was trying to answer for myself.
“You two have plans?” The corner of Auggie’s mouth twitched.
“The drive-in.” Kane wagged his brows at me.
“We’re going out as friends.” I grabbed a dishcloth and began furiously wiping the counter off.
“Scarlett, you can leave all this for Fran to clean up tomorrow,” Auggie reminded me.
“I don’t mind,” I said, way too high pitched. I was used to cleaning up after myself. In fact, it was kind of therapeutic. And I needed all the therapy right now.
Auggie grabbed the dishcloth from me. “Go get ready for your date.” He smiled.
“It’s not a date,” I whispered.
“Of course not.” Auggie tossed the dishcloth into the sink and strode out of the kitchen. “Have fun tonight, you two,” he called.
“I plan to.” Kane hit me with his dazzling smile. “We should probably leave in half an hour if we want to get a good spot.”
“Okay,” I squeaked.
Kane chuckled and sauntered over to me. I backed up against the sink.
“Still so nervous around me.”
“I’m not nervous,” I breathed out, nervously.
“I’m glad to hear that, because that’s the last thing I would want you to be.” He gently tugged on a tendril of my hair.
I pointed toward the door leading to the staircase. “I’m going to go change.”
“I’ll be waiting.”
“Great.” I started to bolt like a frightened colt, but Kane grabbed my hand.
“Scarlett, I think this is going to be the start of a beautiful friendship,” he teased me.
I rolled my eyes and pulled away from him. “Just don’t be you tonight,” I begged. “I know all your moves.”
“Darlin’, you didn’t get to see all my moves. But don’t worry, you will.”
That’s exactly what I was worried about. “Are you trying to talk me out of going?” I asked, breathlessly thinking about all his moves. From his kisses to the way he could look at me and right my world.
“Definitely not,” he said in all sincerity.
Heaven help me, he was going to be the death of me. Though it wouldn’t be a bad way to go. “Give me a minute.” I needed to go hyperventilate and overthink this.
“I’ll give you all the time you need.” I knew he wasn’t only talking about tonight.
The question was, what did I need?
Bueller? Bueller?
I fanned myself in the steamy night air, sitting as far away as I could from Kane in the back of his truck. Yes, he had a truck. I mean, why not? It’s not like they were super romantic or the subject of half the country love songs. I wasn’t a country music fan, but I knew what happened in the bed of trucks. And, of course, he’d made sure to deck the bed out with pillows and blankets to make it more “comfortable.” I was sure he didn’t mean it to be romantic in any way. And he didn’t stop there. He’d brought homemade cookies and a bottle of wine. Not to mention chocolate-drizzled popcorn, my favorite. He was pretty much the devil, but oh, so godlike.
The scenery didn’t help either. Why did Atlanta have such beautiful sunsets? The sky was afire in pinks and oranges. The cracked pavement and movie screen that had seen better days added to the ambience. There was something nostalgic about it all. And the sun’s fading rays seemed to shadow all the flaws, allowing the beauty of the place to shine through.
“When did you get the truck?” I asked, not daring to look at him. I’d already caught a glance of him cozied up against the pillows, looking like an invitation. Everything about him called out to me. Not surprising, as we shared hearts. I swore it was as if I could hear them beating together in unison among the swirls of people headed to the concession stand. I longed to snuggle up to him, even though it was warm out. I had never minded having our sticky skin together. Honestly, I’d loved it. There was something sensual about it. Though sensual was the last thing we needed right now. I needed to get to know him again, to see if I could trust him. I needed to see if I could forgive him heart and soul. And I knew if we allowed ourselves to be physical in any way, it would only cloud my judgment.