“Someone once told me that the most beautiful thing I could be was myself. I think that’s good advice for most everyone. You know, except serial killers and psychopaths.” The kind of people Landon helped put in jail.

He laughed, and then his laughter turned into a thoughtful stare. “Did Kane tell you that?”

I was taken aback that he knew that. “Why would you think that?” I stuttered.

He drummed his fingers against the wooden table. “I’m good at studying people, the living and the dead. I’ve noticed that when you touch your neck in the same place Kane did during your chat, your tone of voice turns wistful. And as much as I’m hoping it’s not true, I’m not buying the stepbrother angle. Thinking back, I’m sure he wanted to punch me before he left.”

“Our parents were married for about fifteen months,” I defended myself, though I was quite embarrassed he noticed all that.

“I’m not accusing you of lying. Only trying to feel out my chances here.”

I took a drink of my lemonade, trying to think of what to say. I wasn’t sure. I liked Landon. I really did, but Kane was getting in the way. Always.

“I’m being too forward again. It’s a bad habit of mine. It’s just I don’t often find myself so drawn to someone so quickly.” He leaned forward as if I were pulling him in.

Oh, I knew the feeling. Not with Landon, but believe me, I knew the feeling. “I’m flattered. And I like you. Honestly, I had the biggest crush on you when I was in college.”

He pursed his lips together. “Let me guess—not anymore?”

I felt myself getting all sorts of hot. I hated letting people down. “It’s not that. It’s just, at the beginning of this year, the man I was engaged to broke things off. And I’m involved with a huge thing at work, and—”

“You have unresolved feelings for your stepbrother,” he interrupted me.

“Yeah,” I whispered. “I’m sorry. Kane and I have a complicated past. But there’s no hope for a future together.”

Landon’s eyes widened. “Are you sure about that?”

“Yes,” I said too quickly.

“Can I give you some advice?”

I nodded. Not sure anything he said would be helpful, but at this point in my life, I was open to any suggestions.

“Most crimes I get called in to investigate happened in the heat of the moment. A few emotionally charged seconds that change the course of the victim’s and the assailant’s lives forever. Probably nine out of ten crimes could be avoided if only the aggressor took a few minutes to breathe and think before acting.”

“What are you saying?”

“I’m saying, I don’t know exactly what happened between you and Kane, but I’m guessing some decisions have been made in the heat of the moment, by both of you. And you haven’t given yourself the time to stop and think before you do something you may regret for the rest of your life.”

My mouth fell open.

“Yes, I’m blunt like that. And I wish it wasn’t true, because I would like nothing more than to ask you back to my hotel room to play video games.” He gave me a sly smile.

Wow. He really was blunt. “Uh-huh. Video games.” With one sentence, he’d obliterated another dream.

He laughed. “Too forward?”

“Yes.” I didn’t find it all that funny. One-night stands weren’t my thing. And all I could think about was how Kane would have never asked me back to his hotel room, especially on a first date. He would have known better because he knew me. Landon obviously didn’t know me. And he never would.

“I should probably get you home. I need to get back to the studio,” he said abruptly.

“Thank you for lunch.” I had no idea what else to say. I was more than ready to go home.

He reached across the table for my hand. When he touched me, it felt wrong. Not creepy, just like we didn’t belong together. “I’m sorry for coming on so strong. My mouth is always getting me in trouble.”

I could relate to that, too. Except I didn’t go around propositioning people for sex.

“I know after my stellar people skills you probably never want to see me again, but if you find yourself unattached and without regret, I would love to take you out again. I’d fly you to anywhere I am. No video games need to be involved.” He grinned.

I wanted to tell him that I was unattached and didn’t have regrets. Not because I wanted to see him again—unfortunately, he’d kind of ruined it there at the end—but because I wanted it to be true. Because then maybe the pain would go away. But I was attached to Kane in ways I couldn’t explain. It went beyond space, time, or even reason. I knew that meant something. I just wasn’t sure what.