“Yes, I’ve heard of Armstrong Labs. I recently read a study that came out of your R&D regarding plasma protein therapies. You’re doing good work.”

“It’s not me, yet.”

“Don’t be modest, Scarlett. She graduated from Johns Hopkins with honors, and she’s been involved with our processes and procedures for years,” Kane interjected.

Landon clapped his hands together, basically ignoring Kane. “My alma mater.”

“I know.” I blushed. Admittedly, it was one of the reasons I had wanted to go there. “I used to go to the little coffeehouse west of campus that you’ve mentioned several times on your show. They have a drink named for you—the confession. It’s the best latte I’ve ever had.” Seriously, I sounded ridiculous.

Landon laughed. “I’m certainly glad it didn’t disappoint you. Tell me more about your time there.”

I ended up rambling about professors, some of which we’d both had. We talked about the sights we loved in Baltimore and the food, our favorites both being the Oyster House and a cozy Indian restaurant. We even discussed some of the cases he was currently working on. We talked and talked and talked until I noticed Kane smiling at me. He hadn’t once interrupted us or tried to be part of the conversation. It was then I knew he had done this all for me. He couldn’t have cared less about meeting Landon. He wanted to make one of my dreams come true. He was the best and worst ex-boyfriend ever. Best because of his thoughtfulness, worst because he made it impossible to get over him.

After a good half hour, with me never once touching my green tea that rested on the coffee table in front of us, I said, “We should probably let you get back to work.” Even though I had enjoyed getting to know him and wanted to talk about a few past cases he’d solved, I felt bad keeping him for so long.

Landon looked at his watch. He tossed his head from side to side. “You know, I could catch a later flight. Would you like to have a late lunch with me?”

For some reason, I immediately glanced at Kane to see his reaction before I answered. He was no longer smiling.

Landon looked between the two of us. “I’m sorry. Are you two together? I didn’t realize.”

“No,” I was quick to reply. “In fact, our parents were married.” I tried to cover up the awkwardness with more awkwardness. I didn’t want to mention we were exes. That would have been too uncomfortable. Or so I thought. Leave it to me to find a way to make it even more so.

“Stepsiblings. Excellent,” Landon laughed.

“Yep, my stepbrother,” I teased, though I immediately regretted it when Kane’s eyes flashed with a fury I’d never seen. It was as if I had murdered a loved one. I knew he hated to be referred to with that title, but it had just kind of fallen out. Sure, I’d thought about saying it before to taunt him, but honestly, this was an accident. After what he had done for me today, I wouldn’t purposely injure him.

Landon turned to Kane. “You wouldn’t mind, would you?” Then he faced me. “You are absolutely enchanting, and I would be happy to personally see you home.”

Landon thought I was enchanting. Wow.

Kane didn’t seem to be feeling it. He jumped up. “Can I speak to you for a minute, sis?” His tone was biting.

“Sure,” my voice quivered while I stood on shaky legs.

Kane took my hand in a very unbrotherly fashion and led us over to a dark corner. It was a little awkward. “You’re not seriously considering going out with him, are you?” he whispered.

“Of course, I am. Why wouldn’t I?”

“He’s old enough to be your father.”

I spat out a laugh. “He’s fifteen years older than me. I don’t think we’ll be breaking any world records with that age difference. Besides, I like older men.” And I did. Even Ethan was eight years older than me.

Kane’s eyes softened. “I remember. Regardless, you need to ask yourself why a forty-five-year-old man is still single. What does that say about him?”

I scrunched my face. “You’re thirty-seven and single. What does that say about you?”

He pulled me closer. Again, not very sibling-like, but being so close to him made me forget about anyone else in the room. “It says I’ve been patiently waiting for the right woman. I’m ready to walk away from the single life anytime. Just say the word, Scarlett.”

I had no words. I had no breath. Kane had stolen both. All I could do was blink and blink.

Kane, on the other hand, had plenty more words. “While we’re on that note, a stepbrother wouldn’t, shouldn’t, know that if he kisses you right here,”—his finger grazed the hollow of my neck—“you’ll gasp. Or if he nuzzles you right there,”—he touched the skin right below my earlobe—“you’ll throw your head back and beg for more.”