While I was flipping through the photo album and writing some notes in it so I would remember everything Auggie had told me, there was a knock on my bedroom door. I could tell who it was just by the knock. Kane. We hadn’t spoken in three days—only nods of acknowledgment if we ever did pass by each other. Not to say I hadn’t obsessed every night about what it would be like to share a life and a bed together. Although, that only made me angrier because I knew exactly what it would be like—wonderful.

I ignored him.

He persisted. “I can knock all night.”

“What do you want?” I called out in resignation.

“I have a peace offering.”

“That sounds suspicious.” We were making no treaties.

He chuckled. “The only way to know is to open your door.”

“I’m good.” I really wasn’t. I wanted to open the door and punch him in the gut and then kiss him until I couldn’t breathe. However, both would make me feel as if I’d lost all self-respect, so I remained firmly planted on the floor.

His sigh was so deep, I could hear it through the closed door. “Scarlett, I know you hate me.”

He was wrong. I loved him. If only I could hate him. It would make my life a whole lot easier.

“But you’re going to hate yourself even more if you pass up meeting Landon Drummond.”

What? I popped up. This had to be a trick. No way did he score a meeting with my hero, my first crush, and perhaps the most famous forensic pathologist in the world.

“Come on, Scarlett, you know you’re dying to meet him.”

Oh, did he play dirty. I would think it was sexy if . . . well . . . never mind, I still thought it was sexy. But, I wasn’t falling for it. I cautiously crept toward the door and told myself I was only checking to make sure I wasn’t missing out on an opportunity of a lifetime. It had nothing to do with wanting to see Kane. At. All. I inched the door open and peeked through at him.

Kane stood there grinning. His suit coat was slung over his shoulder, and the top buttons of his dress shirt were undone, giving me a view of his beautiful chest. I averted my eyes, as hard as it was. We were at war.

“So, what’s this about meeting Landon?” I asked nonchalantly.

Kane pushed the door open a tad more. “That’s better.” He gave me a smile that said, “I could look at you all day.”

I lowered my gaze, willing myself not to be taken in by him.

He must have known, as his tone changed from playful to more sincere. “Landon is working on a case in town, and I know a guy who knows a woman on his production team. He can meet with us tomorrow.”

“Us?” My head jerked up. Oh no, no, no.

“I’m a big fan too.”

Right. “Well, have fun meeting him.” As much as I wanted to meet my hero, there was no way I was doing it with Kane. I started to shut my door.

Kane put his foot in the door, preventing me from closing it. “You’re seriously going to pass this up? Why?”

“You have to ask?”

“You hate me that much?” he choked out, as if it physically hurt him to think that’s how I felt about him.

“I don’t hate you at all,” I whispered. That was the problem.

“Then come with me. There are no strings attached. We’ll goes as friends.”

“Friends?” I scoffed. “You’re trying to steal my company, and you . . . well . . . you know what you did.”

“Believe me, I know what I’ve done. I’ll regret it for the rest of my life. And to set the record straight, I’m not trying to steal your company. As far as I’m concerned, you’re trying to steal my promotion.” He smirked.

“That position was never meant for you.”

“No, darlin’, you were never meant for that position. And deep in your beautiful heart, you know that’s true. Your passion lies elsewhere.”

I grabbed my chest where he’d pricked it with his words.

“Is that why you don’t want to meet Landon?” His brow quirked. “Are you afraid you’re going to realize the truth?”

My mouth fell open and I spluttered like a fool. I hated that he was right. So, so right. “I see what you’re doing. This is a ploy of yours. Just so you know, I came up with the most brilliant mission and vision statements the company has ever had.”

“Then it appears you have nothing to be afraid of coming with me tomorrow,” he taunted me.

I was going to show him. “You’re right. I’ll go.” See. I really showed him. I slammed the door in his face before leaning against it, breathing as if I’d run a marathon. Which I would never do. Who in the world would choose to run twenty-six miles in a row? Crazy people, that’s who. And speaking of crazy, what was I thinking agreeing to go with Kane?