I spread out my books, laptop, notepads, and snacks all over my bedroom floor. Yep, I still did my best work on the floor. In the lab, it was never an option, but when I could be in my office, I was on the floor as much as possible. My medical colleagues had always teased me about it.

I opened the first book and read over the basics of what a business plan should include: statistics, vision, strategy, goals, analysis, research, teamwork. I made a list. Lists. Why did I always think of Kane when it came to lists? I needed to not think about him, except for how I was going to snatch victory from his grasp.

That was kind of hard when two hours into my research, he came waltzing into my room using the bathroom door after knocking but not waiting for my response.

I looked up at him and scowled. “Excuse me, I could have been undressed.”

“Darlin’, don’t excite me like that.”

“What do you want?” I ignored his salacious comment.

“Isn’t that obvious by now?” He wagged his brows.

I sighed and held up my book, The Personal MBA, in front of my face, trying to ignore him.

It didn’t work. He sat down next to me, grabbed the book, and flipped through it. “Great book, except he discounts the value of getting a real MBA.”

I snatched it right back. “I honestly think he doesn’t undervalue it enough.”

Kane chuckled. “If you say so.”

Believe me, I did. I didn’t need an MBA to do this job. I had an MD. Two little letters that were worth a lot more than the three behind his name.

“You can go now,” I threw out there.

“Not yet.” He tugged on a strand of my hair. “I miss watching you in your natural habitat.”

I whipped my head toward him and let out a frustrated sigh. “Can you please stop with all the . . .” I threw my hands into the air, not knowing how to put it into words.

“All the what?”

“You. Just stop being you.” That was a good way to put it.

“You know, you used to like me.” He nudged my arm.

I still did. A. Lot. I missed how he could make anything fun. And how I felt when I was around him. “That was a long time ago.”

“Yes, it was,” he whispered. “Scarlett, can you at least let me have my say?”

I set my book down in resignation. He was going to keep at it until I heard him out. Might as well get it over with. Except, I had a question for him first. “Has Auggie said anything to you about why he’s retiring?”

“I was as shocked as you were this morning.”

“Has he been acting sick or abnormal?”

Kane thought for a moment. “He’s seemed fine. Except—” He paused, making my pulse race. “Last month he didn’t show up to a budget meeting. When I called him, he said he forgot and he needed to take a few days off.”

“He never forgets a meeting, and he doesn’t take time off, even when he takes time off.” I started breathing hard. I knew something was wrong. I prayed Naomi would be able to get Auggie to talk.

Kane took my hand. “I’m sure he’s fine.”

I didn’t hear what he said over the comfort I felt from his touch. I couldn’t have that. I pulled my hand away. “What did you want to s . . . say?” I stuttered. I needed him to leave. We felt too right together, sitting on the floor like old times.

Kane exhaled loudly. “Scarlett, I’ve practiced this speech a thousand times over the last eight years, but now I find myself tongue-tied.”

That was a first. “Perhaps it’s not that important then.”

“No. It’s just the opposite.”

“If that were true, you would have said it a long time ago.” I kept the rising emotion out of my voice while I scooted farther away from him. Everything about him called to me, and I needed distance.

“I should have. I meant to, but you were always dating someone new, and I had no right to interfere.”

“And now you do?” I snapped.

“Are you dating someone? Engaged?”

“No, thanks to you.”

“Me?” He pointed at his chest. “I would like to take credit for your breakup with Ethan, but you and I both know you weren’t happy with him.”

I squinted at him. “And how would you know that?”

He grabbed my shirt and pulled me to him. “Because I know you.” We were so close his minty breath blew across my lips.

“No. You left me.” I blinked back my tears.

“You think I wanted to?”

“Of course you did. You got the promotion you’d always wanted.”

“Yes,” he scoffed. “The job. It was a great trade—” he oozed sarcasm. “It only meant losing the woman I love.” His eyes penetrated my own while his words slammed into me like a tsunami.