I was rendered speechless. Auggie’s plan had been to retire when he turned seventy. That would give me seven years to learn all the ins and outs of Armstrong Labs, especially the business side, which was still quite foreign to me. Oh. Maybe that’s why he’d called Kane in here, too. He wanted Kane to mentor me. That wasn’t going to happen. Though it might be kind of nice to fire him right after he’d helped me. Sweet revenge. But did I really have it in me to fire Kane? The golden boy? The man I loved?

The answer was probably not.

The big question was why Auggie was retiring now. He had to be . . . no. I couldn’t think like that, but my mouth was way ahead of my brain. “Are you sick?” I blurted out.

Auggie adjusted the knot of his tie as if it were strangling him. “I’m fine.”

He wasn’t convincing me. “Dad,” I squeaked.

Auggie gave me a half smile. Something was definitely wrong. Two almost smiles in one day. He was dying. I knew it.

“Scarlett, there’s nothing to worry about. It’s time for me to turn over the reins, which is why I called you both in here.”

Kane sat at attention like he was in the running for the job.

I scrunched my nose at him, but he was too focused on Auggie to notice.

“The truth is, this is earlier than I’d planned for, and as you both know, the plan was always for Scarlett to take my place. However, given her lack of experience, the board would like to be reassured of the company’s future.”

That perked Kane up even more. Was Auggie seriously making him the next CEO? And why was Auggie talking about me like I wasn’t even here? Oh. My. Gosh. He was totally giving the job to Kane. Not to say Kane didn’t deserve it. But I had just given up seven years of my life for this job. Well, really three—I would have gone to medical school either way. Still, I could have done the residency I’d truly wanted to do had I known this was going to be the outcome.

“With that said, I assured them Scarlett was more than capable.”

Kane’s shoulders rose and fell. That’s right. Go be a CEO of another Fortune 500 company. And, please, give me back my heart on your way out the door.

“The board, though,”—Auggie paused—“would like some additional assurances and . . . options. And given that you are my two favorite and most capable children . . .”

Excuse me, I wanted to raise my hand and say, “You only have one child. That’s me. Your flesh and blood. And since when did you have favorites? And how did I not know I was one until now?”

“. . . the board would like you each to submit a business plan before next month’s third quarter meeting. This way, they can evaluate each of you. You will also be expected to present during the meeting. And you will go through a formal interview process. Given my tenure won’t end until the end of the year, if they feel like neither of you are qualified, we will expand the search. But I don’t see that happening.”

Kane perked right back up. And I noticed his cocky smile.

I wanted to slide off my chair. I wasn’t prepared for this. At. All.

Auggie turned toward me. “Scarlett, I realize this puts you at a disadvantage, which is why I would like to delay your lab director duties until after a final decision has been made. This will allow you to focus all your energy on crafting your plan and presentation, while preparing for your interviews.” He said it like he was rooting for me.

I nodded, so many thoughts going through my head. Thoughts like screaming and running out of the room. Or just letting Kane take over. But I hadn’t given up my dreams for nothing.

Auggie clapped his hands. “Well, that’s all.”

What? That was it? I needed direction. I had no idea how to write a business plan.

Kane stood, while I sat there dumbfounded. He reached across the table to shake Auggie’s hand. “Thank you for the opportunity. I look forward to presenting my vision and goals for the company.”

Auggie shook his hand and nodded.

Kane gave me an expectant look. I think he was waiting for me to walk out with him.

“I want to talk to my father.”

“Of course.” Kane walked toward the door.

As soon as I heard the door close, I asked, “Why this sudden change?”

Auggie rearranged some folders on his desk. “It was time.”

“No, it wasn’t. Please tell me what’s wrong.”

“Scarlett,” he sighed, “I’m not going anywhere, if that’s what you’re worried about.” He stood. “I have a meeting I need to get to. I’ve had Randall prepare the office next to Kane’s for you. He will give you access to any reports or information you may need. To keep it fair, I told the other board members I wouldn’t coach you. But like I said, I have every confidence in you.”