I leaned against my doorframe, contemplating this decision. Kane would be at work most of the time, and I would be furiously house hunting. Most evenings, I’m sure I could find something to occupy my time. Maybe Auggie and I could even do dinner. And surely Kane would have plans. He wasn’t one to sit still. More than likely, he probably had his entire summer planned out. After all, he loved lists. I wouldn’t mention I’d kept the one he’d written of my ten best qualities to help me with my medical school application essay. The essay he’d helped me to perfect. The one that got me into my first choice, Johns Hopkins. I wasn’t sure why I’d kept the list. Maybe it was because it was the first time a man had told me I was beautiful. Though not beautiful enough for him, apparently.

I really needed to stop thinking about him.

Maybe I should go to Mindy’s or check into a hotel. But it was three weeks, four tops, of my life. Who knew, maybe this time Auggie wouldn’t disappoint me. He had, after all, asked me to stay with him. And he was glad I was here.

I could do this. Who was Kane to me anyway?

Jumping Back in the Water

I stood at the edge of the pool and rubbed my neck in the early-morning light. The air was already too sticky. Why did I leave California again? Oh yeah, to live my father’s dream in hopes of coming to know him; and, apparently, to be tortured by Kane. I hadn’t slept well last night despite being exhausted from the long drive. Knowing Kane was in the room next to me, and the way he’d behaved during dinner, had kept my mind on hyperdrive all night. It was still in Kane mode this morning.

I dove into the invigorating water, hoping a good long swim would help clear my mind. I knew how futile it was. It had been eight years, and I’d never forgotten about Kane. Not like I obsessed about him . . . well, at least not after the first year. My senior year of college had been rough. I’d questioned what was real and whom I could trust. My conclusion was: myself. For that, I would always thank Kane. I mean, not to his face, but in my heart—the heart he’d breathed life into and then stolen. Thankfully, med school and my residency kept me so busy I didn’t have time to miss the beating in my chest. Everything became so mechanical for me, even my relationships. I’d once dated a man for several months who finally ended up telling me I did a great impression of a woman in love, and he loved me so much he was willing to take the imitation; then he also said he loved me too much to allow me to live a pretend life. Those words still stung because I knew they were true, and I had unintentionally hurt someone I really cared for.

I let the cool, teetering-on-warm water wash over me, trying to concentrate on my breathing and each stroke. I reveled in the feel of the silky saltwater. I had to say, I missed this pool. It was better than the chlorinated one at my condo complex in California. I intended to enjoy this pool while I could, as I wouldn’t be at Auggie’s long. Honestly, after dinner last night, I’d contemplated checking into a hotel later this morning. Kane had been, well, Kane. The Kane from eight summers ago. He’d been all smiles and laughter. Worse, it had been as if he was trying to relive our time together in one sitting.

I sat, flabbergasted, as he’d talked about several of the city attractions we had been to together. If that wasn’t odd enough, he’d started talking about every episode of Confessions of a Forensic Pathologist that had ever been on, as if he’d religiously watched and re-watched them. Even weirder was that I’d never had the impression that he enjoyed that show when we were dating. I hated to use that word—dating. For so long I’d wondered if that summer was only about him getting close to me so he could get his dream job in London. That job shot him to stardom. He was the golden boy, not only of Armstrong Labs but of the blood plasma business world. And, obviously, he and Auggie were close. Closer than even I was with my father. How long had they been roommates? Long enough that he’d actually made my father laugh last night. I didn’t even know Auggie could laugh. It was some weird inside joke between them about golf scores. I, on the other hand, had eaten quickly and only gave short answers to any questions directed my way. The kind of answers that didn’t lead to more questions, more engagement. But Kane had been relentless. Questions regarding my thoughts about such and such case on my favorite show. Questions about where I was looking for a place to lease. And questions about if I wanted his help. Absolutely not. And those were the exact words I’d used, which only seemed to amuse him.