Did that sound like he loved me too? I wasn’t brave enough yet to say how I truly felt; all I could say was, “I feel the same way about you.”

He gave me a half smile before kissing my brow. “Your father wants to see you in his office. I’ll see you tomorrow.” He left before I could even comprehend what had happened or say goodbye.

I stared at the door for several moments, trying to gather my thoughts and decipher Kane’s words and actions. I wasn’t sure it was possible. Normally, I would embarrass myself and ask him, and maybe I would tomorrow when we were alone. For now, I needed to see Auggie, which was weird, too. He’d never called me to his office before. And why would he ask Kane to tell me?

I stepped out of my office and was met with several stares, mostly from admins who worked in the cubicles across from me. Some of them literally popped up when they heard my door open. I’m sure they had noticed Kane coming in and staying for a while. Some of the men wore sly smiles. The women were a mixture of narrowed eyes and pouty lips. I’d gotten used to it. Sort of. I knew a lot of women in the office were envious of me. I couldn’t blame them. Kane was the best.

I hustled toward Auggie’s office to avoid getting the full force of each glance and stare. When I reached the executive wing, I was greeted by Sir Randall, who jumped up from his desk and saluted me. “Hello, young lady.”

I saluted him back. “Hello, Sir Randall.”

“Your father’s waiting for you.”

I nodded and turned to enter through the large, dark, wood, double doors, but before I could, Randall said something odd. “Keep your chin up, honey.”

I whipped my head toward him to respond, but he marched off double time. What was up with everyone? It made me more nervous to knock on my father’s door. But knock I did.

“Enter,” Auggie’s gruff voice called out.

With trepidation, I turned the gold knob and pushed the door open. Every time I entered Auggie’s office, I looked around in wonder. It was stately, though light and airy, which was such a contradiction of his character. His massive glass desk sat back in the large office that also housed a long conference table set near a giant screen used for presentations. Additionally, he had a seating area with a couch, two chairs, and a minibar.

Auggie stood as I crept toward him, not saying anything. Even though his office was large, he loomed larger in his dark suit and tie. “Have a seat, Scarlett.” He pointed at the couch.

This day was getting weirder and weirder. I thought this would be a quick trip in and out. I obeyed and made a detour for the seating area. The beige couch was stiff and uncomfortable, kind of like Auggie, but I didn’t say that out loud. Especially when he took a seat next to me, holding a leather-bound book. Wait? Was that a photo album?

Auggie tapped the album with one hand and adjusted his yellow tie with the other. “I wanted to give you something.”

Yep, this was definitely going down as a weird day.

“Okay.” I stared at the album.

“Callie, your mother . . .,” he whispered. He never, ever spoke Momma’s name.

Tears filled my eyes just hearing it. Even more hearing Auggie say it so tenderly. Maybe it was unusual to miss someone you never knew, but I did miss her. And more than anything, I missed my father.

“She would want you to have this.” Auggie handed over the photo album, though when I grabbed it, he didn’t let go. “Scarlett, don’t live in the past. You have a bright future ahead of you.”

I didn’t think I did live in the past. I mean, my past wasn’t all that wonderful, unless you counted the past summer. I planned to relive that for a long time. But I did look forward to the future. A future with Kane in it.

Auggie let go of the album, and I cradled it to me, wondering what was inside. But I didn’t dare look as Auggie’s eyes pleaded with me not to open it in front of him.

“Is that all?” my voice shook.

He took a moment to answer. “I . . .” He paused. So unlike him. He let out a heavy breath. “You’ve done a good job this summer. Pamela was impressed with your reports.”

“I’m glad.”

He hastily stood.

I jumped up too. “I guess I’ll go now. Thank you for the album.”

Before I could leave, Auggie gently grabbed my arm. “Scarlett, you may not understand why I do the things I do, but I do them with your best interests at heart.”

“Do you really?” I wasn’t sure he knew what was best for me. How could he when he hardly knew me?