“I’m sorry.”

“Don’t be. I’m not. I got you out of the deal, and for that I will be forever grateful.”

I embraced her. So grateful that once upon a time Auggie had good taste in women. “Naomi,” I whispered. “How do you know you love someone?”

She leaned away and placed her hand on my heart. “When you feel at home here, that’s when you know.”

“What if they don’t feel the same way?”

“That’s the risk we take when we give our heart to another. But don’t fear it. Don’t be like your father. You love and keep on loving.”

“But what if Kane—”

“Darling, he would be a fool not to love you, but don’t let that stop you. You’re young, and you will probably fall in love many more times. Enjoy each go-around and learn what you’re meant to from each relationship.”

I knew I was naive; even so, I couldn’t imagine falling in love with anyone but Kane. He was it. I knew it. My heart felt at home with him.

“Thank you, Naomi. I love you.”

“That’s the best love right there.”


I went back to the office still unsure if Kane loved me, but I knew I loved him, and that was what was important. Not to say I didn’t hope that he loved me or wouldn’t be hurt if he didn’t, but I was at peace knowing my own heart and mind. Really that’s what this summer had been for me—coming to know myself. I couldn’t believe that in a few weeks it would be over.

I tried to get back to work as soon as I returned, but I was anxious to hear how Kane’s meeting had gone with my father. I swore I read the same paragraph fifteen times on my laptop, before I gave up and stared aimlessly at the ceiling from my spot on the floor. Just when I started counting the ceiling tiles, Kane knocked on my door before letting himself in.

He quickly closed the door behind him, looking a bit shell shocked. His eyes were darting all over, and he was breathing heavily, as if he’d come from a workout.

I stood with a huge knot in my stomach. “What happened?” I eeked out.

Kane ran a hand through his hair. “It was good. Better than good.”

I let out a huge sigh of relief. “Really?” I approached him. “What did he say?”

Kane swallowed hard. “Uh . . . well . . . he’s happy with my work. Very pleased,” he stumbled on his words.

“Of, course he is.” I threw my arms around him.

Kane stood stiffly.

I dropped my arms and stood back. “Is everything all right?”

He shook his head as if trying to get his thoughts straight. He reached for me and wrapped me in his arms. “I’m sorry, darlin’.”

I rested my head against his chest. His heart was pounding. “Are you sure everything is okay?”

He stroked my hair. “Yes. It went better than expected.”

I relaxed a bit. “I’m so glad. I was worried.”

He kissed my head and lingered there. “Scarlett, I’m going to need to cancel our plans tonight. I have an important project I need to work on for Augustus,” he growled his name if I wasn’t mistaken.

I tried to pull away, but Kane wouldn’t let me go. “I promise, everything is okay,” he answered my unspoken plea.

I heard him say the words, but I didn’t feel them. “Kane?”

“Darlin’,” he choked out, “I promise, I’ll make it up to you tomorrow. In fact, can we change our plans? Let’s do Edge of the World tomorrow instead of Stone Mountain.”

Weird. I thought he was saving Edge of the World to cap off our summer list of dates. It was one of Kane’s favorite places. All summer he’d been going on and on about how beautiful the waterfalls were and how it was the perfect swimming hole.

“Sure. What time should I be ready?”

“Does ten work for you?”

I nodded against him.

He gripped me tighter. “Scarlett . . . I . . . I . . .”

“What?” I felt nervous. Something was off.

He didn’t say anything. Instead, he grabbed my face using the three-finger method and pressed his lips to mine. He’d never kissed me before in the office. And this wasn’t just any kiss. His tongue was urgent and demanding, making my lips part and then prodding as far and as fast as it could go. He held my face so tight, as if begging me not to let go. I had no intention of letting him go. I loved him. I let myself drown in him minute upon minute while he devoured my lips and mouth, until I was only breathing him in.

And just as urgently as the kiss started, it ended. He broke away from me and peered into my eyes as if he were trying to commit them to memory. “Scarlett, you are one of the best things that has ever happened to me. Please don’t ever forget that.”