Kane was intrigued with Naomi’s job and peppered her with questions. Naomi was used to it but loved it all the same. And I never tired of hearing her talk about the intricacies of forensics. It only fueled the fire in me to follow in her footsteps. Especially when she spoke of being able to give families peace and offering them real answers about the death of their loved one. Unless they were my father. In that case, the truth only haunted him. I wondered if he would ever come to terms with Momma’s death.

“Do you go to a lot of crime scenes?” Kane asked.

“More than I would like to.”

Kane gave me a thoughtful look. “You ready for that?”

“Are you worried about me?”

“Not at all.” He kissed me.

I could feel Naomi’s smile.

Kane looked at his watch. “I hate to run, but I don’t want to be late.”

I could hear the nerves in the pitch of his tone. I squeezed his hand. “I’m anxious to hear how it goes.”

“I’ll stop by your office later.” He stood and reached out his hand to Naomi. “It was so nice to meet you.”

Naomi waved his hand away, stood, and came around the table to give him a hug.

From the expression on his face, it was obvious Kane was touched.

“You couldn’t have picked a better girl.” Naomi patted his back.

“Believe me, I know.” Kane smiled at me, warming my heart.

Naomi leaned away from him but still kept him in her grasp. “I’m going to offer you a bit of insight into Augustus. He loves to grandstand, but he appreciates talent and results. And he has a soft spot for all his stepchildren.”

Kane rubbed the back of his neck, proving he was as worried as I was. “Well, none of them have ever dated his daughter.”

“This is true.” Naomi grinned. “But he loves profits almost as much as he loves Scarlett, so I think you’re safe.”

“I hope you’re right. Let’s do this again soon. Next time it’s my treat.”

Naomi had insisted on paying and couldn’t be talked out of it.

“I look forward to it.” Naomi stepped back.

Kane leaned down to kiss me goodbye. “I’ll see you soon.”

We’d driven separately because I wanted to talk to Naomi alone.

“Bye.” I kissed him an extra time for luck.

Naomi and I watched him walk out of the crowded bistro before she took a seat next to me. She gave me a thorough once-over. “I’ve never seen you so happy.”

“I’ve never felt like this before.”

“I like him. He’s a good match.”

“I think so too.”

She tapped my nose. “So, what did you want to talk about?”

I grabbed my drink and took a sip of my lemonade before I laid it all out for her. I’d been practicing what I would say. It was one thing for me to admit my feelings to myself; it was another thing to let someone in on my secrets. I decided to start with a question. “When did you know you were in love with my father?”

Naomi grabbed her heart with wide eyes.

“I’m sorry. Is that too painful of a question?”

She placed her delicate hand on mine. “Not at all. You surprised me is all. Are you asking because you think you’re falling in love?”

I bit my lip and nodded. I should have known she would know.

“Ah, I see. Well, my love, falling for your father had a lot to do with you.”

“Me?” I smiled.

“Yes, you.” She sat back and sighed fondly. “I remember the first time I met your father. Outwardly he was stoic, though it was apparent he wasn’t in a good place, as most of our clients aren’t. He manifested his trauma in other ways. He took you everywhere with him those first few months. Even to the office. It was how there came to be a company day care center. Though you were mostly an angel child, you were still a toddler, and he found out quickly he couldn’t watch you and do his job, even though the company was much smaller back then.”

I shook my head, amazed. “I had no idea.”

“Oh yes, Augustus was so afraid he would lose you, too. He probably fired ten day care directors that first year. None of them were good enough for you.”

That brought a tear to my eye.

“Just like no man will ever be good enough for you. It’s why your father has been acting like a fool all summer. He’s not ready to let go. He never has been.”

“So why did you fall in love with him?”

“The first time I met you, you curled up in my lap, and I knew I was meant to love you. The devotion your father had for you touched me. His sheer capacity to love overwhelmed me. And, for a while, he was able to express those feelings. But,” her voice cracked, “they eventually became too much for him to bear. His fear got the better of him. And I needed more from him.” She grabbed a napkin and wiped her cheeks where some tears had trickled down.